On 7/17/17 11:08 AM, Rakesh wrote:
Hi Expert,

Now I got the full picture for the problem.

SIP Registrar  behavior for the URI contact matching

1) REGISTER request with belwo contact send to Registrar

Contact: ""<sip:+168999@;transport=udp;Hpt=8ea2_16;ssn;srti=s1_2>;expires=7200

2) Registrar sent 200OK with below contact

Contact: ""<sip:+168999@;transport=udp;Hpt=8ea2_16;ssn;srti=s1_2>;expires=7200

3) Now there is another REGISTER request send to the Registrar in contact with additional parameter mentioned below

Contact: ""<sip:+1689998@;transport=udp;Hpt=8ea2_16;ssn;TRC=ffffffff-ffffffff;srti=s1_2>;expires=7200

4) Then Registrar sent 200OK response with below contact headers. Where the Initial contact has value expires= 0

Contact: ""<sip:+168999@;transport=udp;Hpt=8ea2_16;ssn;srti=s1_2>;expires=0

Contact: ""<sip:+1689998@;transport=udp;Hpt=8ea2_16;ssn;TRC=ffffffff-ffffffff;srti=s1_2>;expires=7200

So is it a valid behavior from Registrar server? Which leads the earlier post asked for contact matching.

From 3261:

10.2.4 Refreshing Bindings

   Each UA is responsible for refreshing the bindings that it has
   previously established.  A UA SHOULD NOT refresh bindings set up by
   other UAs.

   The 200 (OK) response from the registrar contains a list of Contact
   fields enumerating all current bindings.  The UA compares each
   contact address to see if it created the contact address, using
   comparison rules in Section 19.1.4.  If so, it updates the expiration
   time interval according to the expires parameter or, if absent, the
   Expires field value.  The UA then issues a REGISTER request for each
   of its bindings before the expiration interval has elapsed.  It MAY
   combine several updates into one REGISTER request.

   A UA SHOULD use the same Call-ID for all registrations during a
   single boot cycle.  Registration refreshes SHOULD be sent to the same
   network address as the original registration, unless redirected.

We have already discussed those comparison rules. So the second REGISTER should qualify as a refresh. But apparently the registrar is not recognizing it as such and instead is treating it as an additional registration. That appears to be a bug in the registrar.

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