On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 02:42:26PM -0500, Roman Shpount wrote:

> Some devices do this to keep a pinhole in NAT firewall open. Pleases see if
> you can enable keep-alive on your proxy and the device for the same purpose
> (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5626#section-3.5).

Yep, they may. But a few seconds is simply too aggressive.

> We have successfully used 480 with "Retry-After" to reduce the load on the
> proxy after network connectivity disruption, so this should work for your
> purpose, but I would still suggest addressing the root cause. Other option
> is too have proxy to use some sort of in-memory DB to efficiently handle
> frequent registrations for devices that do no support SIP keep alive.

I agree. At this point it's a matter of principle rather than
unmanageable load.

Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC

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