On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 5:23 PM Alex Balashov <abalas...@evaristesys.com>

> Yep, we agree. So the question is what the safest response would be to
> send for the largest number of endpoints, such that they don't mark the
> trunk as being out of service/decide that the gateway is permanently
> unreachable, and actually re-register as their binding comes up for
> renewal.
> Your best option is to figure out how to configure such devices so that
they work properly. The next level you can achieve is to make sure devices
that misbehave do not disrupt your service. Figuring out how to respond to
devices that misbehave and still allow them to work properly is likely
impossible (i.e. device will likely be flipping gateway status on/off, but
you will need to verify this with each device individually).

Roman Shpount
Sip-implementors mailing list

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