Continuation to below thread, I have some additional questions

I would like to know if anyone has some sample scenario files for
1. Have bunch of users for A (5) & B (5)
2. Register B1 party and listen for INVITEs
3. Register A1 party and setup call towards A party
4. Keep the call predefined period/can be random (~10s)
5. Terminate the call
6. De-register A1 & B1
7. Continue to the next set of users - A2/B2, A3/B3, A4/B4, A5/B5
8. Once list is exhausted, start from A1/B1

I am able to create the scenario file (Register/call/answer), however
would like to get some hints on how to do the below
- How SIPp can be scheduled to run through a loop
- Our goal is to have at least 1 call through the network at a given
point of time to simulate background testing

Thank You in advance for any inputs/feedback

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