I tried to use the scenario described in the link below, unfortunately my
sipp crashes with segmentation fault. Have raised an issue in GitHub

Any other ways I can achieve what I initially posted...

On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 2:23 PM sshark wsk <sshark...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have the below. I guess for the called party, as I am finishing the
> thread for registration adn then wait for INVITE in the same IP/port it
> seems to work. Maybe it's not a good idea ?
> Do you think the 3PCC scenario is the only way it will work for my
> requirement ?
> *Server1 script*
> bindIP=
> port=5060
> ./sipp $proxyIP -i $bindIP:$port -nd -t t1 -l 2 -m 1 -sf
> ./register_and_call.xml -inf ./A_user.csv -trace_msg
> *Server2 script*
> bindIP=
> port=5061
> ./sipp $proxyIP -i $bindIP:$port -nd -t t1 -l 2 -m 1 -sf ./reg.xml -inf
> ./B_user_register.csv -trace_msg
> ./sipp $proxyIP -i $bindIP:$port -nd -t t1 -l 2 -m 1 -sf ./receive.xml
> -inf ./B_user_answer.csv -trace_msg
> I also saw some other posting where you can run UAC & UAS with one
> instance of the sipp. Does that work ?
> https://github.com/SIPp/sipp/issues/362
> On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 1:26 AM Šindelka Pavel <sinde...@ttc.cz> wrote:
>> > my plan for the called user is to keep different
>> > scenarios for register and process invites.
>> But that's only possible if the tested device is fine with the REGISTER
>> coming from a different socket than the one which is indicated in the
>> Contact uri, as is the case with vanilla SIP. In real life environments,
>> which I suppose you are going to test, the SBC stores the actual socket
>> from which the REGISTER has arrived, and sends the INVITE to that stored
>> socket regardless what was written in the Contact uri in the REGISTER.
>> As you want the calls to overlap, the scenario expecting the INVITEs
>> (and later on receiving or sending the BYEs) must be running
>> continuously, so you cannot simultaneously send the REGISTERs from the
>> same socket.
>> > I am struggling with the setup to continue to run called user to
>> > continuously process invites. Should I be just using labels to
>> > continue the loop in the "process invites" scenario ?
>> This sounds to me as if you haven't understood the relationship between
>> threads and Call-IDs. At the beginning, the scenario receives an initial
>> INVITE with some Call-ID yet unknown to it, so it spawns a new thread
>> for that call, answers the INVITE with a 200, then receives or sends a
>> BYE and responds it/gets it responded with a 200, and all that time the
>> Call-ID stays attached to the thread. If there are no other messages to
>> send or receive left in the scenario, the thread will end after some
>> guard timer expires (which is there to handle eventual retransmissions
>> of the BYE or the 200 to it if they arrive) and SIPp stops recognizing
>> that Call-ID, but if you jump to the beginning of the scenario, the
>> thread will expect another INVITE with the same Call-ID - which will
>> never arrive (or at least should never arrive).
>> So you don't need to do anything special in order that a scenario was
>> ready for a new call. It just sits there listening at its socket, and if
>> an INVITE with a yet unknown Call-ID arrives, it handles it in a freshly
>> spawn dedicated thread. If several INVITEs come "at once" with an
>> individual Call-ID each, several threads get spawned "at once".
>> P.
>> Dne 04.10.2020 v 14:27 sshark wsk napsal(a):
>> > Hi Pavel,
>> >
>> > Thanks, yes I did go through that post and various other posts
>> > describing the challenges of running UAC & UAS for called party..
>> > As I mentioned, my plan for the called user is to keep different
>> > scenarios for register and process invites.
>> >
>> > I am struggling with the setup to continue to run called user to
>> > continuously process invites. Should I be just using labels to
>> > continue the loop in the "process invites" scenario ?
>> >
>> > //sshark
>> >
>> > On Sat, Oct 3, 2020 at 6:19 PM Šindelka Pavel <sinde...@ttc.cz> wrote:
>> >> Hi sshark,
>> >>
>> >> could you please read
>> https://sourceforge.net/p/sipp/mailman/message/34707334/ first if you
>> haven't yet?
>> >>
>> >> I think I've put pretty much everything in there on how to create
>> "amphibious" scenarios behaving as both UAC and UAS, which is what you need
>> in order to create a scenario which will register and keep updating the
>> registration (as a UAC) and answer incoming calls (as a UAS) while it stays
>> bound to the same local UDP socket. The need to stay bound to the same
>> socket explains why I deem all the timing to be done using SIPp itself to
>> be a better way than using bash scripts to spawn execution of the
>> scenarios. It's true, however, that on the calling side you could spawn a
>> registration, outgoing call, and unregistration as three separate scenarios
>> binding to the same local port by shell script, but then you'd have to use
>> one socket per user.
>> >>
>> >> I didn't detail there the reasons why a Call-ID of a REGISTER must be
>> different from the one of the INVITE, but normal SIP stacks should ignore
>> or reject an INVITE with the same Call-ID like one in a previously received
>> REGISTER, at least if it came soon enough after that REGISTER.
>> >>
>> >> So as you don't insist on the unregistrations at the called side (from
>> the point of view of traffic volume, registration updates will generate 1/2
>> of the traffic volume as compared to un-registrations and re-registrations
>> with the same periodicity), the A and B scenarios (or rather scenario
>> pairs) can be completely independent. Plus in the wild, an active
>> un-registration is a rare beast.
>> >>
>> >> There's just one point to the periodicity of the registration updates,
>> some registrars/SBCs have not only maximum registration time but also a
>> minimum one, and if you attempt to register for a shorter time, they
>> respond with "423 interval too brief", so even if you'll be actually
>> updating the registration every minute, you have to indicate an Expires
>> value which will satisfy the SBC and/or registrar.
>> >>
>> >> So in my approach, the B scenario would optionally accept and respond
>> INVITEs (and possibly OPTIONS depending on the behaiour of the system being
>> tested) by a corresponding branch, and mandatorily accept commands from the
>> timer instance and spawn another branch which would periodically register.
>> Eventually, that branch could accept a termination command from the timer
>> instance if you want the scenario group to terminate autonomously after a
>> predefined number of cycles or amount of time (I've never tried the -m
>> command line option with a UAS scenario, maybe it works too).
>> >>
>> >> The A scenario would accept trigger commands from its own timer
>> scenario, where a single call in the timer scenario would use two distinct
>> Call-IDs in the commands it would send to the executive scenario a few
>> seconds apart: the first one would be made up and would trigger the
>> registration, the second one would be the native one of the timer scenario
>> and would trigger the outgoing call. The random duration of the outgoing
>> call would be determined by the executive scenario, which would send a
>> command to the timer one as a notification that the call has ended; in
>> response to that, the timer would send back a command with the made-up call
>> ID to trigger the unregistration. This way of synchronizing two threads
>> within the same scenario is the simplest one I could find throughout the
>> years.
>> >>
>> >> The overlapping would be provided by the -l 2 command line option as
>> I've suggested earlier (third call cannot start until the first one ends).
>> >>
>> >> P.
>> >>
>> >> Dne 03.10.2020 v 6:11 sshark wsk napsal(a):
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for the email, The main goal for me is to keep some constant
>> >> traffic on the SIP servers. I thought of having
>> >> registration/deregistration flows as they do invoke different
>> >> functions/procedures within the SIP server. If it introduces too much
>> >> complexity, then I am happy with doing re-registration rather than
>> >> de-register/register again...
>> >>
>> >> How can I approach in doing this, can sipp orchestrate this or better
>> >> use shell script to do a loop and use sipp ?
>> >>
>> >> Thanks for your help..
>> >>
>> >> On Sat, Oct 3, 2020 at 4:07 AM Šindelka Pavel <sinde...@ttc.cz> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Okay, the diagram shows clearly that the calls can and should overlap.
>> >>
>> >> Is it an absolute must that the called side was de-registering and
>> >> re-registering again for every call, or may it register in the
>> beginning
>> >> and keep renewing the registration periodically, and just accept
>> >> incoming calls? If the unregistration of the called side is not
>> >> mandatory, this will remove the need for synchronization between the A
>> >> side script and the B side script.
>> >>
>> >> P.
>> >>
>> >> Dne 30.09.2020 v 14:35 sshark wsk napsal(a):
>> >>
>> >> I have below setup available with me
>> >> Shell Script1: Handles A party
>> >> Scenario 1 - A user to register and send INVITE and handle subsequent
>> >> messages (180, 200OK, ACK) and then deregister user
>> >>
>> >> Shell Script2: Handles B party
>> >> Scenario 2 - B user to register
>> >> Scenario 3 - B user to accept INVITE and handle appropriate messages
>> >> (180, 200OK, ACK)
>> >> Scenario 4 - B user to de-register
>> >>
>> >> Have drafted a sequence diagram on what I had in mind. I hope it
>> >> explains what I have in mind..
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 2:37 AM Šindelka Pavel <sinde...@ttc.cz>
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Do you want a single scenario to act as both A and B subscribers or
>> you plan to use two scenarios? The thing is that if you want each user to
>> unregister after the call, you need to have some synchronization between
>> the A and B side even if each runs as a separate scenario on a different
>> machine, otherwise you'll find A knocking on a closed door at B sooner or
>> later.
>> >>
>> >> You also state contradictory requirements - if you want at least one
>> call "on air" at any given instant of time, the calls must be overlapping,
>> whereas unregistering An,Bn after a call and then registering An+1,Bn+1
>> creates a gap between the calls. So choose which one of these two
>> requirements is more important.
>> >>
>> >> My approach would be to use a timer scenario, sending sync messages to
>> both the A and B scenarios, with Call-IDs in the sync messages generated
>> from [call_number] so that the sync message triggering the REGISTER at A
>> and the one triggering the INVITE at A would be sent by the same call at
>> the timer scenario but seen as two independent calls at the A scenario. To
>> choose the right row in the csv file, I'd compute the row ID in the timing
>> scenario and deliver it from there as a value of some P-user-index header -
>> this way, all the calculations (call number modulo 5) would be done in the
>> timer scenario and the A and B scenarios would just use the value extracted
>> from that header in the synchronization messages. So you would not need to
>> start sipp in loops, you'd just specify the total number of calls and
>> number of calls per unit of time, and the modulo 5 would do the rest of the
>> job.
>> >>
>> >> I remember I was not able to make the 3PCC extended work some years
>> ago, so you may have tough time making three scenarios (timer, A, B) work,
>> but maybe it's not an issue any more, or it even never was and it was just
>> some mistake I could not find in my setup.
>> >>
>> >> -l 2 option on the command line should make sure that not more than
>> two trigger calls will be active simultaneously, so the third call should
>> not start before the first one finishes.
>> >>
>> >> Pavel
>> >>
>> >> Dne 29.09.2020 v 14:07 sshark wsk napsal(a):
>> >>
>> >> Continuation to below thread, I have some additional questions
>> >> https://sourceforge.net/p/sipp/mailman/message/35176307/
>> >>
>> >> I would like to know if anyone has some sample scenario files for
>> >> 1. Have bunch of users for A (5) & B (5)
>> >> 2. Register B1 party and listen for INVITEs
>> >> 3. Register A1 party and setup call towards A party
>> >> 4. Keep the call predefined period/can be random (~10s)
>> >> 5. Terminate the call
>> >> 6. De-register A1 & B1
>> >> 7. Continue to the next set of users - A2/B2, A3/B3, A4/B4, A5/B5
>> >> 8. Once list is exhausted, start from A1/B1
>> >>
>> >> I am able to create the scenario file (Register/call/answer), however
>> >> would like to get some hints on how to do the below
>> >> - How SIPp can be scheduled to run through a loop
>> >> - Our goal is to have at least 1 call through the network at a given
>> >> point of time to simulate background testing
>> >>
>> >> Thank You in advance for any inputs/feedback
>> >>
>> >>
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