on sip tracing on sipx, I just type "tshark > tmp.txt"   tshark/wireshark
seems to be already installed(which kicks butt).  On my machine, I just use

I will get a screenshot once I get into the office later today

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Melcon Moraes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm facing some similar issues around ACD queues vs Presence Server.
> I have 1 queue with 8 agents and 'sometimes' the agents logged in shown in
> Presence Server page, doesn't show on ACD Agent Stats.  That way, it's like
> I have no agents available. I know that 'sometimes' is way too vague, but I
> thought in share this while I'm looking for more info on the logs.
> Things I know for sure:
>  - It was an upgrade from 3.8 to 3.10.2
>  - Couldn't find a pattern of behaviour yet: sometimes login/logout works
> thru the web, sometimes thru the phone, dialing *88/*86; sometimes do not
> work at all - by 'working' I mean, what I see in presence server, I see in
> queue
>  - After activating(without any changes on ACD queue/line/agent settings)
> ACD Server, the agents logged in shown in Presence Server Status Page are
> available to the queue.
> []'s
> MM
> P.S. What did you use for sip tracing Dean?
> On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 3:28 AM, Dean Hiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> hmm, I do see that he is signed in under the ACD Presence menu item but I
>> just don't see any stats for him, and why does it say there are no agents???
>> sip trace on sipx looks like so....
>>   1.722403 -> SIP/SDP Request: INVITE
>> .168.22.150, with session description
>>   1.725659 -> SIP Status: 100 Trying
>>   1.878783 -> SIP Status: 480 ACD No Agent
>> nothing else, nada....why does it say no agent when I have 2001 registered
>> and now have him signed in too?
>> thx,
>> Dean
>> On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 2:21 PM, Dean Hiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> oh, got a little farther.  ACD filled that hostname in for me(I didn't
>>> know it actually used it..I thought it was for naming purposes).  I am now
>>> getting this instead... sipx "480 ACD No Agent" though google isn't telling
>>> me much on that.  I then found out that you can login as an Agent by logging
>>> in with 2001 and password and click on ACD Presence.  I turn that on but
>>> seem to get the same error.(for ext 2001, it says "You are currently signed
>>> in" on the ACD Presence Status, but when I login as superadmin, I don't see
>>> any agents in the Agent Statistics window...there are no agents there???
>>> **
>>> At least I get a no agent immediately now and my phone doesn't even ring,
>>> but how do I get an Agent there.  I also found in advanced settingst there
>>> was a option where you don't need agent to even sign in and it should route
>>> calls but that didn't seem to work either.  Anyone know what the problem
>>> could be here?  Why does my agent not looked signed in(that should have
>>> nothing to do with sip, right and just the web pages)???
>>> thanks,
>>> Dean
>>> On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 2:01 PM, Dean Hiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> more info...it looks like it is sending the message here....
>>>>   7.204318 -> SIP/SDP Request: INVITE
>>>> sip:rocket2@
>>>> teekit.kmip.net:5150, with session description
>>>> How do I get it to send the message to instead?  I don't
>>>> have my DNS working and I don't think I can get DNS working.  This is 
>>>> really
>>>> annoying especially since I am behind a nat so even if I had DNS working, 
>>>> it
>>>> would not be the local ip but the wan ip which would not be correct either.
>>>> I am having this same problem on getting sip working through my router
>>>> as well.  Is there any way to get sip working through my router so I can
>>>> have sipx and my computer on the WAN...otherwise, I have to unplug my
>>>> computer and plug my sipx directly into the wan which I don't like to do.
>>>> any suggestions here?
>>>> thx,
>>>> Dean
>>>> On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 1:43 PM, Dean Hiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> I setup and ACD and added 2000 and 3000 to the lines(setting rocket as
>>>>> queue which I added already).  I added 8 agents into this rocket queue, 
>>>>> but
>>>>> when I call 2000 or 3000, it just rings and rings and rings.
>>>>> Also, my extension range is 1000 to 2999.  My agents are all 2001 to
>>>>> 2008.    I can call from 1000 extension to 2001 just fine, but when I call
>>>>> 3000 or 2000, I expect 2001 to ring since it is in the queue. * I see
>>>>> no calls coming in on the ACD page though like 2000 and 3000 are not lines
>>>>> of the ACD.  *what am I doing wrong with the ACD here?
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dean Hiller
>>>>> CEO/Founder of Extreme Software Offshoring
>>>>> http://xsoftware.biz
>>>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/deanhiller
>>>>> Beijing Cell: 136-991-41547
>>>>> US Phone: 303-376-5776
>>>> --
>>>> Dean Hiller
>>>> CEO/Founder of Extreme Software Offshoring
>>>> http://xsoftware.biz
>>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/deanhiller
>>>> Beijing Cell: 136-991-41547
>>>> US Phone: 303-376-5776
>>> --
>>> Dean Hiller
>>> CEO/Founder of Extreme Software Offshoring
>>> http://xsoftware.biz
>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/deanhiller
>>> Beijing Cell: 136-991-41547
>>> US Phone: 303-376-5776
>> --
>> Dean Hiller
>> CEO/Founder of Extreme Software Offshoring
>> http://xsoftware.biz
>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/deanhiller
>> Beijing Cell: 136-991-41547
>> US Phone: 303-376-5776
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Dean Hiller
CEO/Founder of Extreme Software Offshoring
Beijing Cell: 136-991-41547
US Phone: 303-376-5776
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