On Mon, 2008-12-22 at 08:42 -0500, Matt White wrote:
> I was wondering what the community feeling is towards a sipx forum?
> Specifically a users forums.  I think the developers prefer the
> mailing list.
> I know I find myself asking questions that have been asked many time
> before, and search mailing list is not as easy as a forum. And I often
> find answers to problems in Asterisk/Trix fourms simply becuase the
> issue ended up being phone related rather than sipx related.
> If there is interest from the community and maybe a blessing from
> Nortel (a mention on the sipx wiki and sip foundry page) then our
> company is willing to host the forums on our web servers.
> I would also need a few volunteers to help act as moderators, although I 
> think the Sipx community is fairly well behaved ;-)

While I personally don't find most forum implementations any easier to
use than a good list/wiki combination, I'm very much interested in input
from the community.

One thing I feel strongly about is that we should not have both - the
developers already have multiple places to look for what's going on, and
our responsiveness to each will be diminished if we add to that.  

My experience with most forum interfaces is that they are more
time-consuming to peruse and not really better to search than a list
(indeed, most are much less search-engine friendly than the archives of
our list are now).

I have been working on a plan to upgrade our project infrastructure, so
now is a good time to have the discussion.  I'll post something about
what we're going to do after New Years once we've worked out some of the
budget questions around it.

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