On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 16:27 -0800, J Coatline wrote:
> Am I right in thinking that a sipxecs 3.11/4.0 HA configuration can
> only have 1 instance of sipxbridge? Trying to create the SBC role on
> more than one server seems not to be allowed, and I have read posts
> that seem to confirm this.
> Our business has 2 offices, one in the UK and one on the US west
> coast. The two offices are connected by a VPN. The US office uses a
> US-based ITSP, and the UK office uses a Europe-based ITSP.
> If both offices use the UK-based sipxbridge, calls made to and from
> our US office have their RTP media routed over the VPN back to the UK
> sipxbridge, then out onto the internet in Europe, back across the
> Atlantic to our US ITSP. This is giving really high latency, and much
> worse call quality, and seems quite inelegant, given that if we could
> also have an SBC running on our sipxecs server in the US office, the
> calls could go out directly onto the internet in the US, and
> essentially stay within the US.
> Similarly, if we place the sipxbridge in the US, we get the same
> problem in the UK.
> However, this page:
> http://sipx-wiki.calivia.com/index.php/SIP_Trunking_with_sipXecs:_Overview_and_Configuration
> states that:
> "The sipXbridge service can be installed on the same physical server
> as all the other sipXecs components, or it can be deployed on separate
> hardware. The choice is based on the need for scalability. In such a
> distributed setup several sipXbridge components can be added to
> sipXecs, each on its own physical server."
> Have I misunderstood something about sipx's SBCs/sipxbridge? I'm new
> to sipxecs so any help would be really appreciated.

No, actually, I think what you've done is quite nicely describe the use
case that justifies removing the one-bridge-per-cluster rule.  Before we
can do that, we'll have to look at what other problems that creates,

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