On Fri, 2009-05-22 at 14:11 +0100, Damian Dowling wrote:

> SipXconfig running on a single server I can understand, it makes
> everything a lot simpler from a programming point of view. Although it
> would be nice for load balancing reasons to allow users to access their
> accounts via different servers.

That's a feature that's being looked at, but we don't have any firm
plans yet.

> However, I find storing the phone profiles only on the primary server
> surprising. It would improve redundancy if the profiles were also stored
> on the secondary server. Is this planned for the future?

At present, the way most phones retrieve configuration information is
too limited - there is no way to tell the phones "try one of the
following redundant locations".  However, that is a feature of a new
Technical Recommendation on SIP User Agent Configuration that is being
worked on in the SIP Forum [1].  The latest draft documents for that
group are available [2].  

I hope and believe that we will be able to include support for this new
standard in sipXecs 4.2 (we already support a significant fraction of
it).  Whether or not users can leverage that depends on what phones
support it (ask your phone vendors).

[1] http://www.sipforum.org/content/view/311/253

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