Robert Joly wrote:
>> That's weird. The ip they gave you to use is on the same 
>> subnet sipx is on?
>> If so, sipxbridge is not needed. Creating an unmanaged 
>> gateway would be simpler.
> That is true only if Verizon is capable of handling things like REFERs.
> If that is not the case then sipXbridge is required to minimally convert
> these REFERs into re-INVITES.
I'm indifferent. I'm 90% sure I have configured something on the same 
port. Sip Trunking and Sip Proxy won;t start at the same time. It seems 
to be an either or. If I understand everything correctly in Verizon's 
instructions, their calls are coming in on 5060. that is obviously the 
same port that SIP handsets hit the sipx server on. Perhaps that is my 
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