Put your main TN in the username, no password. Uncheck register.
Tony Graziano, Manager
Telephone: 434.984.8430
Fax: 434.984.8431

Email: tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net

LAN/Telephony/Security and Control Systems Helpdesk:
Telephone: 434.984.8426
Fax: 434.984.8427

Helpdesk Contract Customers:

----- Original Message -----
From: sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org
To: sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org <sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org>
Sent: Fri Nov 20 16:24:16 2009
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] Connecting to Verizon DS3

In case you didn't have enough emails from me, here is a little more
info. I put in 123 for the username, so that is obviously where the
'sip:1...@pcelbcn0001' entry is coming from. The service errors out if I
don't put in a username and password, but Verizon isn't requesting we
use one.

mkitchin.pub...@gmail.com wrote:
> Here are some log file entries that appear relevant to me:
> "2009-11-20T20:08:02.577000Z":5:OUTGOING:INFO:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:main:00000000:sipXbridge:"Sent
> SIP Message :\n----Remote Host: Port:
> 5070----\nREGISTER sip:pcelbcn0001.munged.munged.com:5070
> SIP/2.0\r\nCall-ID:
> 8d16619b30dd4006b74d20218ff1d...@\r\ncseq: 1
> REGISTER\r\nFrom:
> <sip:1...@pcelbcn0001.munged.munged.com>;tag=425578349234274908\r\nTo:
> <sip:1...@pcelbcn0001.munged.munged.com>\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP
> pcelbcn0001.munged.munged.com:5060;branch=z9hG4bK4bc3200f1f2720efc3aa25861a8eaa62333134\r\nMax-Forwards:
> 70\r\nUser-Agent: sipXecs/4.0.4 sipXecs/sipxbridge (Linux)\r\nAllow:
> <sip:;transport=udp;lr>\r\nContact:
> <sip:1...@pcelbcn0001.munged.munged.com:5060;transport=udp>\r\nExpires:
> 600\r\nContent-Length:
> 0\r\n\r\n--------------------END--------------------\n"
> "2009-11-20T20:08:02.613000Z":6:INCOMING:INFO:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:Thread-13:00000000:sipXbridge:"Read
> SIP Message :\n----Remote Host: Port:
> 5070----\nSIP/2.0 403 Forbidden\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP
> pcelbcn0001.munged.munged.com:5060;received=;branch=z9hG4bK4bc3200f1f2720efc3aa25861a8eaa62333134\r\nCall-ID:
> 8d16619b30dd4006b74d20218ff1d...@\r\ncseq: 1
> REGISTER\r\nFrom:
> <sip:1...@pcelbcn0001.munged.munged.com>;tag=425578349234274908\r\nTo:
> <sip:1...@pcelbcn0001.munged.munged.com>;tag=aprqngfrt-gjiai91000020\r\nContent-Length:
> 0\r\n\r\n====================END====================\n"
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
> <!DOCTYPE log SYSTEM "logger.dtd">
> <log>
> </log>
> "2009-11-20T20:08:12.601000Z":1:JAVA:INFO:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:main:00000000:SipXbridgeXmlRpcServerImpl:"Supported
> protocol = SSLv2Hello"
> "2009-11-20T20:08:12.602000Z":2:JAVA:INFO:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:main:00000000:SipXbridgeXmlRpcServerImpl:"Supported
> protocol = SSLv3"
> "2009-11-20T20:08:12.602000Z":3:JAVA:INFO:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:main:00000000:SipXbridgeXmlRpcServerImpl:"Supported
> protocol = TLSv1"
> "2009-11-20T20:08:12.683000Z":4:JAVA:ERR:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:main:00000000:sipXbridge:"gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl.createListeningPoint(SipStackImpl.java:1080)
> [Invalid argument address = port = 5060 transport = udp]"
> "2009-11-20T20:08:12.686000Z":5:JAVA:ERR:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:main:00000000:Gateway:"Cannot
> initialize gateway"
> javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException: Address already in use
> mkitchin.pub...@gmail.com wrote:
>> This was an inevitable question from me. I need some help connecting
>> to Verizon SIP over a private DS3. There is no firewall or NAT
>> involved. The information they gave me is below.
>> From Verizon:
>> Inbound calls will route from the port 5060 network and
>> you should be able to ping  This is the only address you
>> will be able to ping for security reasons.
>> For outbound calls please configure the SIP target (to the VzB
>> network) to one of the settings below.
>> IP: port: 5070
>> OR
>> FQDN: pcelbcn0001.munged.munged.com
>> I'm using the sipexec server as the SBC. It is at I have
>> tried to translate this into all the correct fields on the
>> configuration guide here:
>> http://sipx-wiki.calivia.com/index.php/SIP_Trunking_with_sipXecs:_Overview_and_Configuration
>> No matter what I try, The Sip Trunking service fails to start with
>> the 'Address already in use' error below. I googled several of the
>> lines, and I found some bug reports and other writeups that didn't
>> appear to relate to my problem. I cleared one other error by putting
>> in a fake username and password under ITSP account. I don't have an
>> username and password. I would assume that is because this is a
>> private connection. As you can see, I have received minimal
>> information from Verizon. I also have no NAT or firewall involved, so
>> several of the configuration screens regarding NAT don't really
>> pertain to me, but I had to put in a value of some sort. On System,
>> Servers, NAT, Public IP address for example, I had to put something,
>> so I put Verizon has performed a miracle in their minds
>> by simply agreeing to work with a 'vendorless open source PBX', and
>> we are supposed to have their Interop test with wireshark captures on
>> Monday. I need to do anything possible to get this working by then.
>> With the information I have, can someone help me figure out exactly
>> what values should be put where in the various config screens? A few
>> are obvious, but a few aren't for me at least given give that there
>> is no firewall, NAT or ITSP account.
>> Thanks a ton,
>> Matthew
>> javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException: Address already in use
>> at
>> gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl.createListeningPoint(SipStackImpl.java:1083)
>> at
>> org.sipfoundry.sipxbridge.Gateway.initializeSipListeningPoints(Gateway.java:540)
>> at org.sipfoundry.sipxbridge.Gateway.start(Gateway.java:1000)
>> at org.sipfoundry.sipxbridge.Gateway.main(Gateway.java:1353)
>> Caused by: java.io.IOException: Address already in use
>> at
>> gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.UDPMessageProcessor.<init>(UDPMessageProcessor.java:130)
>> at
>> gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPTransactionStack.createMessageProcessor(SIPTransactionStack.java:1890)
>> at
>> gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl.createListeningPoint(SipStackImpl.java:1064)
>> ... 3 more
>> SipXbridge : Exception caught while running
>> org.sipfoundry.sipxbridge.SipXbridgeException: Cannot initialize gateway
>> at
>> org.sipfoundry.sipxbridge.Gateway.initializeSipListeningPoints(Gateway.java:598)
>> at org.sipfoundry.sipxbridge.Gateway.start(Gateway.java:1000)
>> at org.sipfoundry.sipxbridge.Gateway.main(Gateway.java:1353)
>> Caused by: javax.sip.InvalidArgumentException: Address already in use
>> at
>> gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl.createListeningPoint(SipStackImpl.java:1083)
>> at
>> org.sipfoundry.sipxbridge.Gateway.initializeSipListeningPoints(Gateway.java:540)
>> ... 2 more
>> Caused by: java.io.IOException: Address already in use
>> at
>> gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.UDPMessageProcessor.<init>(UDPMessageProcessor.java:130)
>> at
>> gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPTransactionStack.createMessageProcessor(SIPTransactionStack.java:1890)
>> at
>> gov.nist.javax.sip.SipStackImpl.createListeningPoint(SipStackImpl.java:1064)
>> ... 3 more

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