Josh Patten
Assistant Network Administrator
Brazos County IT Dept.
Josh Patten wrote:
Here are
the three advantages I've seen to using the new FreeSWITCH
voicemail system over the old one so far:
- Better Performance
- IMAP integration
- HD Audio
Are there other functional advantages to the new voicemail system? Will
it have shiny new things no one has talked about yet?
What would be nice is if it had an "on call" pager feature so that a
notification number could be set so when a new voicemail is received
someone is notified via phone or pager. I currently implement this in
Asterisk with the old style (current) sipX voicemail system and check
the voicemail folder on the hard disk every 10 seconds. It's a bit of a
kludge but it's stable so far and it would be nice if I didn't have to
rewrite it for the new voicemail system (IMAP checking in
Python....sounds nasty).
Also, will there be an easy way in 4.2 to migrate users
voicemails/greetings to IMAP or will they have to "start fresh" and
redo everything?
When the 4.2 upgrade is performed, will everyone be migrated to the new
voicemail system automatically or will it be a manual process with some
users on the old and new at the same time?
Just trying to get my 4.2 migration planning and testing phase started
and I would like to have the best information possible to begin with.
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