
This page here has probably most of the information required to get you back to 
a 'known' state, but basically (as root) run:
mkdir $HOME/sslkeys
cd $HOME/sslkeys



I am sure you probably have done that, but that is the process I have followed 
to put third party certs in. First I delete pretty much all the certs in the 
/etc/sipxpbx/ssl directories and run the above process.

This page also has the process to convert DER certs to PEM certs which you need 
to do to install the third party CA certificates after saving them to file. The 
only part on this page that I think is missing is the generation of the java 
keystore which Jeff detailed in his instructions.

The other thing that I think is missing from the instructions is around 
certificates that have intermediates. The certificate you install from my 
findings looks for the root or the signing authority and of course can't find 
it because there is an intermediate in between. So you need to put both the 
root and intermediate in the authorities folder, so you would end up 
potentially in that case of having two certs in the authorities folder for the 
third party cert and one in that folder for the self signed one that does the 
other stuff aside from the Web stuff (which is what I care about). You would 
also have three sym links in that folder too after doing the re-hash detailed 
by Scott (nice email address too Scott btw).

Just another thing, I think I had to go and tweak the permissions on the 
certificates in the authorities directory after doing all of this, not a major 

The reason it is important to me is I want to give the user the best possible 
experience and I don't accept clicking on a SSL error on a web page to continue 
is a good experience, that's why I was/am so keen to get it sorted out.

Mine so far works flawlessly that I can tell and I have rebooted and set PIN 
numbers from TUI etc and it all seems ok, I don't know what else to look at or 
Next for me will be doing the same using a MS CA so that it is easier to renew 
and set expiry dates out longer etc and of course less cost, however there 
could be implications for remote workers in this case which is something I 
haven't considered as it is outside the scope for me.

Happy to work with someone to detail the instructions from start to finish and 
use real examples assuming it is tested and worked for others.


-----Original Message-----
From: mkitchin.pub...@gmail.com [mailto:mkitchin.pub...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 21 January 2010 7:45 a.m.
To: Raymond Dans
Cc: Scott Lawrence; Grant Lang; sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] SSL Cert help

I'm not sure exactly how to do that, so I guess I hadn't. How should I 
do that? The ssl script seems to indicate it is doing that (see below).
On a side note, I just tried completely rerunning the sipx setup wizard. 
That didn't help. Same result.
I realize my timing here is awful. I am desperate. We have training for 
2 hours this afternoon, so I can't rebuild the system from scratch right 
now. I really don't want to do that if I don't have to. We were going to 
spend this evening staging all the handsets, but I obviously can't do 
that if I'm going to have to rebuild the system. This is a nightmare. It 
is 100% my fault. I was trying to squeeze in one more thing before we 
went into production, and obviously that was a horrible idea.


         Generating Java Key Store
Enter input keystore passphrase: Enter output keystore passphrase: Alias 
0: nshpbx1.sipx.voip
Adding key for alias nshpbx1.sipx.voip

         Generating Java Trust Store
Certificate was added to keystore

On 1/20/2010 12:27 PM, Raymond Dans wrote:
>> Subject: Re: [sipx-users] SSL Cert help
>> I will be glad to listen to a whole bunch of "I told so", but
>> I would greatly appreciate a little help first.
>> I made a system backup, and backed up the SSL directories
>> before trying any of this. I wanted to give an external SSL
>> cert one more shot. It didn't work, so I went to revert back
>> to a self signed cert. I follwed the same things I had done
>> before. I ran /usr/bin/ssl-cert/gen-ssl-keys.sh and then
>> /usr/bin/ssl-cert/install-cert.sh Most everything is ok, but I
>> can't change the PIN from a phone. I restored from backup
>> taken prior to any of this, and it didn't help. I get the
>> errors below in mediaserver_cgi.log I have tried regenerating
>> the certs a few times, and everything seems to go ok. Can
>> someone help me get past this issue? I would greatly
>> appreciate it and wil not tinker with ssl certs again until 4.2 :)
>> "2010-01-20T16:53:40.411617Z":1:KERNEL:ERR:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:pi
>> d-8800:23D69C30:mediaservercgi:"OsSSL::verifyCallback
>> invalid certificate at depth 0\n       error='unable to get
>> local issuer
>> certificate'\n
>> issuer='/C=US/ST=AnyState/L=AnyTown/O=sipx.voip/OU=sipXecs/CN=c
>> a.nshpbx1.sipx.voip/emailaddress=r...@nshpbx1.sipx.voip'\n
>> subject='/C=US/ST=AnyState/L=AnyTown/O=sipx.voip/OU=sipXecs/CN=
>> nshpbx1.sipx.voip/emailaddress=r...@nshpbx1.sipx.voip'"
>> "2010-01-20T16:53:40.411754Z":2:KERNEL:ERR:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:pi
>> d-8800:23D69C30:mediaservercgi:"OsSSLConnectionSocket
>> SSL_connect failed: :\n   SSL error: 1
>> 'error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)'"
>> "2010-01-20T16:53:40.411797Z":3:HTTP:ERR:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:pid-
>> 8800:23D69C30:mediaservercgi:"HttpMessage::get[4]
>> socket to not connected, retry 1 after 20ms"
>> "2010-01-20T16:53:40.433197Z":4:KERNEL:ERR:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:pi
>> d-8800:23D69C30:mediaservercgi:"OsSSL::verifyCallback
>> invalid certificate at depth 0\n       error='unable to get
>> local issuer
>> certificate'\n
>> issuer='/C=US/ST=AnyState/L=AnyTown/O=sipx.voip/OU=sipXecs/CN=c
>> a.nshpbx1.sipx.voip/emailaddress=r...@nshpbx1.sipx.voip'\n
>> subject='/C=US/ST=AnyState/L=AnyTown/O=sipx.voip/OU=sipXecs/CN=
>> nshpbx1.sipx.voip/emailaddress=r...@nshpbx1.sipx.voip'"
>> "2010-01-20T16:53:40.433261Z":5:KERNEL:ERR:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:pi
>> d-8800:23D69C30:mediaservercgi:"OsSSLConnectionSocket
>> SSL_connect failed: :\n   SSL error: 1
>> 'error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)'"
>> "2010-01-20T16:53:40.433289Z":6:HTTP:ERR:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:pid-
>> 8800:23D69C30:mediaservercgi:"HttpMessage::get[4]
>> socket to not connected, retry 2 after 40ms"
>> "2010-01-20T16:53:40.473894Z":7:HTTP:ERR:nshpbx1.sipx.voip:pid-
>> 8800:23D69C30:mediaservercgi:"HttpMessage::get[4]
>> socket connection to failed, give up..."
>> On 1/20/2010 7:38 AM, Scott Lawrence wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2010-01-20 at 12:21 +0000, mkitchin.pub...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Scott - if there are issues, should they show up
>> immediately? If you
>>>> have to back out, is it still just as easy as regenerating the self
>>>> signed cert?
>>> Yes, they should show up as soon as you restart.
>>> If you think regenerating the self signed cert is easy, then yes -
>>> it's just that easy.
> Not sure if this will help but did you regenerate and install the Java
> Keystore/Truststore?  If not you may want to try this first.
> Raymond

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