That would be awesome but it's not implemented yet. For now the easiest
way is to modify the global config (unless you have some secret
knowledge(please share!!)).
Josh Patten
Assistant Network Administrator
Brazos County IT Dept.
(979) 361-4676
On 2/23/2010 10:23 AM, Huijun Yang wrote:
[] *On Behalf Of *Josh Patten
*Sent:* Tuesday, February 23, 2010 11:04 AM
*Subject:* Re: [sipx-users] Provisioning and Polycom Corporate Directory
For custom configuration follow:
> edit */etc/sipxpbx/polycom/polycom_sip.cfg* , add the config info in,
and your change will be applied to all phones that have the feature.
That will work, but will affect all the phones. If only want to apply
config to individual phone, then see the proposed solution [1]
on how to add config extra file(s) to Polycom
On 2/23/2010 9:59 AM, wrote:
I use sipXecs together with Polycom Sound Point IP670 Phones.
Provisioning worked flawlessly so far.
Recently we added a LDAP Directory Server to our network, so that the
Polycom phones can access the contacts.
In order to do that I had to edit (enable feature, enter LDAP
information, etc) the "sip.cfg" and then upload it to the Polycom phone.
To Upload it, I went to "Devices, Devices Files" and uploaded the
entire Application including the edited sip.cfg. The phone updated
it's configuration and I was able to use the corporate directory
Afterwards I used sipXecs to configure my Number on my Polycom phone.
This worked perfectly, but it reset the corporate directory feature.
Even tough I was no able to make calls, I wasn't able to use to
corporate directory feature. Same then other way around. When I
enable the corporate directory feature, I can't make calls anymore.
Is it possible to include the edited "sip.cfg" when I push my number
information to the phone?
Any other ideas?
Best regards
Cyrill Reiser_
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