Tried just now. ~4-5 seconds either way. desktop to mobile or mobile to desktop. The call i traced was from my mobile to itsp number. This number connected to sip account
and sipx gateway registered to the account.

Does this tell yo anything?

Tänk på miljön! Skriv inte ut detta mail om det inte är absolut nödvändigt.

2010-03-01 12:31, Tony Graziano skrev:
I would be curious as to the timing. When you call your cellphone from your
desk does it work? If so, how many seconds does it take from the time you
dial your cellphone until it starts ringing?
Tony Graziano, Manager
Telephone: 434.984.8430
Fax: 434.984.8431


LAN/Telephony/Security and Control Systems Helpdesk:
Telephone: 434.984.8426
Fax: 434.984.8427

Helpdesk Contract Customers:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Mon Mar 01 05:55:39 2010
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] Registration looks ok. in/out does not work

Hi all.
I think i have a failing call traced.
What happened:
1. A user calls me on my mobile. Says calling does not work. No config
changes done.
2. I call from my mobile to ITSP number. No response. All lines are
registered and not expired.
3. I restart sipx
4. Everything is working

so i am guessing:
   a) some sipx component failed, not internet, not the itsp
   b) failure reason is either due to bug or misconfiguration
   c) indications om misconfig should be in the logs

I am no expert but to me the trace of my call shows
that sipxbridge is sending a cancel to sipxproxy on the invite generated
by my call.

I have enclosed the trace. What do you think?

Number starting with 07... is my mobile
Number starting with the itsp number.
ITSP server starts with 111.

Need a snapshot? More traces?

Thank you.

2010-02-26 15:31, Ola Samuelson skrev:
ok, works if installing manually. firefox corrupted the files for some

I'll dig into my 100m trace now :-)

2010-02-26 15:05, Ola Samuelson skrev:
Sorry, feeling stupid.
Ran the installer.

Desktop shortcuts does not work.
Running manually:

/usr/bin/java -jar /home/Ola/SIPVIEWER/sipviewer.jar

Gives: Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from

Should i add sipviewer as Main-Class: to the manifesto or what?

Java works ok for other apps.
Thank you.

2010-02-26 14:55, Scott Lawrence skrev:

On Fri, 2010-02-26 at 14:49 +0100, Ola Samuelson wrote:

Ah, very good.
I had the following log levels when the error occured:

info on: trunking, registrar, proxy and supervisor.
Notice on rest.

Do you think it info on these services is ok?

Yes, that's very good

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