On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 11:55 +0100, Ola Samuelson wrote:
> Hi all.
> I think i have a failing call traced.
> What happened:
> 1. A user calls me on my mobile. Says calling does not work. No config
> changes done.
> 2. I call from my mobile to ITSP number. No response. All lines are
> registered and not expired. 
> 3. I restart sipx
> 4. Everything is working
> so i am guessing: 
>  a) some sipx component failed, not internet, not the itsp
>  b) failure reason is either due to bug or misconfiguration
>  c) indications om misconfig should be in the logs
> I am no expert but to me the trace of my call shows
> that sipxbridge is sending a cancel to sipxproxy on the invite
> generated by my call.

The CANCEL is sent 3 minutes after the INVITE - it's just the call
timing out.

The trace you attached shows only traffic between the proxy and the
bridge.  It doesn't show anything from the proxy to any other system
component, so there's no way to see what happened.

> I have an 158m snapshot on loglevel info to work with.

Create a temporary directory on your sipXecs system where you can unpack
the snapshot, then cd to that directory and execute:

  tar xzf <snapshot-file-name>
  sipx-trace -o full.xml -P . 152920547f74d2d024b35f777c313...@

are you sure that the logging on the registrar was at INFO level?

> Among other things i found an illegal connection sending
> tens of "OPTION" which ultimately led to too many hops.
> Also lots of registration attempts. All denied of course.
> looks like spoofed ip. Ids such as "sipvicious" and "friendly scanner"
> occur.
> Closed for all outside access now. These options were sent
> a couple of hours before sipx malfunction.
> Could these access attempts have led to errors in sipx?

It's impossible to rule it out entirely, but especially given the
separation in time it seems very unlikely that they are related.

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