You are mistaken.

Please read this:

If you do not understand it, take it to your DNS administrator and ask them
to do this step for you.

1. If the phone was registering properly it would show the public ip address
of the remote router and also the "priv-contact" with the IP address of the
pc running xlite.

2. The phone is miraculously registering, albeit incorrectly. It cannon
resolve the SRV records via a public Internet connection. You cannot
sidestep this unless you are on a fully meshed vpn. If you WERE on a fully
meshed vpn, you still have to be able to properly resolve not only HOST but
also SRV records in order to function properly.

3. Stop taking shortcuts and follow the guide above. sipXecs has an install
wizard to be a dns server for you if you need it, and the dns advisor
provides you with the information you need to properly send the information
to an internal and external dns administrator to have that properly input
and formatted.

Until you get DNS working properly, anything you do will not work.

If I were you I would get DNS under control and then re-install sipx with
the proper settings before going any farther.

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Andriy Kucher <> wrote:

> Content-Type: text/plain;
>  charset="utf-8"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> Organization: SipXecs Forum
> In-Reply-To: <>
> X-FUDforum: 08063afcdd00a6e76393c5b9527381e8 <43585>
> Message-ID: <>
> Quote:
> > Your registration, in sipx, should show your public ip
> > address of the remote
> > router.
> It shows:
> "AKHome"<>
>        <sip:mailto:akucher-h...@
> :10071;rinstance=7f6e1fb84775534b;x-sipX-privcontact=192.168
> .30.2%3A18400 >          969
> Is it correct?
> Quote:
> > What is your firewall local address at the sipx
> > installation? Is is
> > If so that is correct.
> Yes, it is 0.100
> Quote:
> > Wait a minute...
> >
> > Your public DNS points to your private ip address. FIX
> > that before anything
> > else. Your public facing dns needs to point to the
> > public facing ip on your
> > sipx firewall, NOT the private ip. That will never
> > work.
> >
> > My mistake, there is no dns srv record. Why don't you
> > fix that first.
> To be honest, I don't know where should I add that DNS SRV
> records. I know there is tutorial on that, but I was
> wondering why I need that. In our local network (where
> sipxecs located) we don't have internal DNS, we are using
> some one from outside world ( and I don't
> know how can I add DNS SRV records to that outside DNS. I
> could install it on sipxecs machine as installation wizard
> has proposed, but I have ommited that step, because for
> local machines its not necessary I think, but for far-end
> users it should be useless since they cannot reach it. Am I
> wrong?
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