> Place the file in /etc/sipxpbx/sipxivr Josh Patten Assistant Network

Yup, I have, and permissions/ownership are fine too.

>sipXivr will look for {prefix}/etc/sipxpbx/sipxivr/EmailFormats.properties
>(including all EmailFormats_{locale}.properties variants) first, and if
>not found will use the default formats defined in
>org.sipfoundry.voicemail.EmailFormats.properties (in the sipXivr.jar file).

>As there is no sipXconfig support for configuring this yet, the default
>format for the main email address is Full, and for the alternate email
>address is Brief at the moment.

The second paragraph mentions the main email address as being full. Does this 
actually mean the main notification method is full?

Unless I'm reading this wrong, if using full format, the system notice is used. 
The only time it will use my custom file is if I use Brief, which I have set in 
the Users Profile for that user. Using Brief still gets me the system 
notification so far.

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