On Wed, 2010-05-05 at 21:33 -0400, Mossman, Paul (Paul) wrote:
> Hi all,
> XX-7822 [1] mentions "phantom user" usage, and that these requirements
> should be accommodated in the re-organized Dial Plan.

A suggestion for one way to slice this into more bite-sized pieces:

First, deal with inbound numbers, which in turn breaks down into two

        Provide a way to 'map' inbound ranges to internal numbers (so if
        you have a DID block 97855523xx and want to map it to internal
        numbers 3xx, there's an easy way to configure that).  You can do
        this with a Custom rule now, but guiding the user through it
        specifically for inbound numbers would make the method more
        Make a screen for configuring that a specific number is an
        inbound number, and allow that number to be sent to any _one_
        chosen  destination.  The choices should include all internal
        destinations: hunt groups, ACD queues, conferences, users,
        autoattendants, mailboxes, whatever else there is.  If (and this
        is an interesting question) you want to allow forwarding to
        external numbers, then sipXconfig should probably create a
        'hidden' identity with the requisite permission so that the same
        internal forwarding authorizations we use for user based
        forwarding can apply, but the user shouldn't see or need to know
        about that hidden id.

Then deal with making the various internal routing capabilities more
uniform and as powerful as user forwarding is now.  Allow hunt groups to
have schedule-based changes, etc.

Create a set of simple mechanisms that can be combined to produce all of
what you can do with user based forwarding now...

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