Consider setting up for remote users (assuming sip trunking is not needed).

System>Internet Calling>Nat Traversal.

Server>(yours)>Media Relay>advanced)>aggressive.

Server>(yours)>NAT>setting the static public IP

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 5:40 AM, Tony Graziano <
> wrote:

> You miss the point in that the 3cx handles nat traversal in a very
> different way than sipx.
> With sipx, that same procedure requires use the media relay, which you
> might adjust to be in "aggressive" mode, but there is not guarantee it would
> work in every instance, hence the default mode is "conservative".
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 3:49 AM, Irena Dolovčak 
> <>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't think anchoring is the only way..
>> and there are more ways to bypass NAT, not just the SBC that handles it.
>> I have done this with 3CX PBX and mikrotik routers on both ends.
>> I tried to reproduce the same thing in 3CX PBX, and here is the picture
>> with steps.
>> I'm not sure if all is 100% OK, I tried to attach the important things.
>> I want to do the same thing in sipx to.. what are the differences between
>> them? (the 3cx and sipx) in the structure of the pbx..
>> PhoneA – user
>> PhoneB – user2
>> 1 –src. Address/port dst address/port
>> phone A sends an INVITE message
>> (sip:u...@ to us...@
>> 2 – the NAT translates the src address to his public address
>>, the src port stays the same
>> -The router sends the packet to the internet
>> The router gives his public ip address to eht phone. No STUN is involved.
>> 3 – the packet comes to the second router; he sees the dst. Address
>> and the dst. port 5060 – he knows he must forward the packet
>> with the dst port 5060 to the internal IP address
>> 4 – the 3cx PBX gets the packet on port 5060 from the ip address
>> It examines the packet and sees that user is trying to call user2
>> 5 – The PBX send the user an information packet telling him that it is
>> trying to contact user2;
>> The message goes back to dst address
>> 6 – the PBX sends an INVITE message to user2
>> (sip:u...@ to us...@ where the PBX tells
>> user2 how to contact user in SDP message which is sends together with the
>> SIP message
>> In the SDP message, user has send information on which port should the
>> media packages be send to. The PBX forwarded the message to user2
>> The message goes from src address on port 5060 to dst
>> address/port
>> 7 – user2 starts to ring and sends a RINGING message back to the PBX so it
>> knows that he is ringing;
>> It also sends the SDP information where on which port to send the media
>> packets
>> Src address/port dst address/port
>> 8 – the PBX gets the message from user2 and forwards it back to user so he
>> allso knows where to send media packets; it also sends the ring alert to
>> user so the user knows user2 is ringing
>> The packet is send to the router with Src address/port 
>> address/port
>> 9 – the router gets the packet form the PBX and sees the dst address/port
>>; to be able to send the packet, he traverses the src
>> address to and sends it to the internet
>> 10 – the second router gets the message now with src address
>> and dst address; he knows he has to
>> forward the message back to private ip address
>> 11 – when the user2 answers the call, the phone sends an OK message that
>> it has picked up the phone. (The process is the same as at step 10)
>> 12 – the phoneB sends the RTP packet direckt to the phoneA as it has all
>> necessary information as  the Ip address and port to which he should send
>> it.
>> Src address: dst address
>>  the router gets the packet, translates the private IP to and
>> send it to
>> The second router gets the packet with src address/port 
>> dst address/port
>> and it knows that it must forward it to the private
>> ip address
>> 13 – when user hang up, the phone sends a BYE message to the PBX to alert
>> user2
>> Src address/port dst address/port
>> 14 – the router gets the message, it outs a new src address
>> ( and send it to the dst address
>> 15 – the router gets the packet with dst address and it
>> forwards it to internal ip becouse it is tols to send the
>> message with dst port 5060 to that ip address
>> 16 – the PBX gets the message, and sends the message to user2 on ip
>> address
>> 17- user2 sends an ACK message to the PBX. The call ends
>> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Tony Graziano <
>>> wrote:
>>> Yes, vpn the remote site and it will take the media peer-to-peer.
>>> You seem to be stuck on the fact the sipx must anchor the media and fpr
>>> whatever reason don't want to do that. It ONLY ANCHORS the media for the
>>> calls that go through NAT, it won't anchor the media for you lan-to-lan
>>> calls.
>>> In SIP, anytime you cross NAT something needs to anchor the media. That
>>> device is called a SBC.
>>> I think if you want it to work some other way using a SIP (not sipx)
>>> based
>>> system, you need to invent your own technology.
>>> Good luck.
>>> ============================
>>> Tony Graziano, Manager
>>> Telephone: 434.984.8430
>>> Fax: 434.984.8431
>>> Email:
>>> LAN/Telephony/Security and Control Systems Helpdesk:
>>> Telephone: 434.984.8426
>>> Fax: 434.984.8427
>>> Helpdesk Contract Customers:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Irena Dolovčak <>
>>> To: Tony Graziano <>
>>> Sent: Fri May 21 07:40:57 2010
>>> Subject: Re: [sipx-users] Remote office problem
>>> I'm not sure am I following you.
>>> Are you saying that the sipx can only be configured to anchor the media
>>> (as
>>> a B2BUA)? Is there no other solution?
>>> I understand that the sipxbridge anchor the media, that's why I removed
>>> it.
>>> Is there any solution that I could use to make the remote worker to
>>> connect
>>> in a by-pass mode and not trunked?
>>> >
>>> > I thbik it you have remote workers enabled and server behind nat
>>> > configured
>>> > "it should work". Right now sipx is being told to route to ports it is
>>> not
>>> > employing because the sipxbridge component is not being used not is the
>>> > remote workers aspect. If you support either, you define an SBC, you
>>> have
>>> > none. That's what sipxbridge does. Ingate makes a nice one too.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> What exactly do you mean by "it should work"?
>>> --
>>> Irena Dolovčak
>> --
>> Irena Dolovčak
> --
> ======================
> Tony Graziano, Manager
> Telephone: 434.984.8430
> sip:
> Fax: 434.984.8431
> Email:
> LAN/Telephony/Security and Control Systems Helpdesk:
> Telephone: 434.984.8426
> sip:
> Fax: 434.984.8427
> Helpdesk Contract Customers:
> Why do mathematicians always confuse Halloween and Christmas?
> Because 31 Oct = 25 Dec.

Tony Graziano, Manager
Telephone: 434.984.8430
Fax: 434.984.8431


LAN/Telephony/Security and Control Systems Helpdesk:
Telephone: 434.984.8426
Fax: 434.984.8427

Helpdesk Contract Customers:

Why do mathematicians always confuse Halloween and Christmas?
Because 31 Oct = 25 Dec.
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