I see I have a typo in my scenario below.

should be cseq=2 in line 5, which is a fault from the ITSP?:

sipX sends REGISTER cseq=1.
after 500ms sipX resends REGISTER cseq=1.
a few ms later 401 cseq=1 is received for first REGISTER.
sipX sends new REGISTER with nonce cseq=2.
sipX receives 401 cseq=2 (fault ITSP?) from resent first REGISTER and
trunk is "blocked"
sipX receives 200 OK cseq=2 from REGISTER with nonce, but disregards it.

-----Original Message-----
From: WORLEY, Dale R (Dale) [mailto:dwor...@avaya.com] 
Sent: 01 June 2010 18:24
To: Sven Evensen; M. Ranganathan
Cc: sipx-users@list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: RE: SIP trunk stops registering

From: sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org
[sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Sven Evensen

The problem is a little more subtle, I will try to explain. And I will
send you a snapshot too.

sipX sends REGISTER cseq=1.
after 500ms sipX resends REGISTER cseq=1.
a few ms later 401 cseq=1 is received for first REGISTER.
sipX sends new REGISTER with nonce cseq=2.
sipX receives 401 cseq=1 (fault ITSP?) from resent first REGISTER and
trunk is "blocked"
sipX receives 200 OK cseq=2 from REGISTER with nonce, but disregards it.
Fault sipX?

Also sipX does NOT attempt any re REGISTER. This trunk is blocked until
sipXBridge is restarted. Fault sipX?

Looking at your sequence of events, the second 401 that the ITSP sends
is correct -- the ITSP received a re-send of the REGISTER cseq=1
request, so it sent a copy of the 401 response to that REGISTER.

Speaking naievely, it appears that sipXbridge treated the first 401 and
the second 401 together as "401 responses to two successive REGISTERs".
But if it did that, it would be incorrect (or rather, a poor strategy),
since any duplication or re-sending of the REGISTER request or its
response could trigger that condition.  The code to detect that
condition should ignore responses that have duplicated CSeq values.

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