On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Tony Graziano
<tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net> wrote:
> Yeah. I think when they build the ISO it would be nice to have it already on
> there. In the meantime, it's nice to be able to do a base OS update without
> someone saying "that's not supported" anymore.

;) Yeah, the thought of saying "sipXecs is only compatible w/security
vulnerable releases" was top on my list to address. Those that stood
thru the stunnel fiasco on early 4.2.1 releases, this is fruit of our

FYI: We can build off a new CentOS ISO easily so if CentOS spins a new
ISO we can get it. I have not implemented the ability to build an
sipXecs ISO from updates at any given moment from CentOS.  The sipXiso
project has all the scripts if anyone wanted to add this option


Like Tony said, nice if it was up-to-date, but quick yum update after
system install should resolve that.

Thanks for the heads up Matthew
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