On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 3:01 PM, Burleigh, Matt
<matt.burle...@eiisolutions.net> wrote:
> Is it possible to allow a user permission to add a phone to their account?
> We had this functionality in ShoreTel where a user can assign his extension
> to a hard phone. And do this from a phone. Is this possible with SipX?

Many customers seems to have custom provisioning needs and wind up
writing a custom script. The script running in on your backend server
would need superadmin privs. but you can provide whatever access you
want on the front end.  All this provisioning and line management is
available via SOAP, so most computer languages should be able to work
for you.

> Also is there a user oriented “User Guide” of sorts that is fairly current?
> I can’t seem to find one.

There is a user oriented book on amazon.  Otherwise, the wiki is
disorganized as far as category, but lots of gems if you search on
sipx-users mailing list
List Archive: http://list.sipfoundry.org/archive/sipx-users/

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