I find 2GB of ram small anymore.

Besides a snaphot, it would be handy to know if swapping had occurred
(4GB RAM should really be the bare minimum these days, IMO). You
should also have check the output of

sipxproc --state

to see if any services were failed, and also observd from sipxconfig
(if available)

If using siptrunks and open to the internet, the registrar logs should
have been checked to see if they had a flood of register attempts
(viewing states of port 5060 at your firewall would tell you this
too), ala' sipvicious attacks.

Additionally, if CPU had for some reason gone through the roof (top),
of course, if that was unavailable, your vmware server stats would
indicate as much.

Finally, there are some more recent patches you might consider picking
up via the repo (stable).

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Gary Luca <garyluc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> My sipx server stopped responding for some reason.  All users were
> disconnected and unable to register.  I rebooted the whole server and it
> came back up.
> I've taken a snapshot.  What files can I send along that will help to
> diagnose the issue?  Give me specific locations and filenames so I can find
> them in the snapshot.
> Host Server info:
> Dell PowerEdge T710
> Dual Xeon E5640 @ 2.67GHz
> 2 x 250GB 7200RPM SATA drives in RAID1
> VMware ESXi 4.1.0
> SIPX Virtual Machine:
> 2 processor cores
> 50GB Hard Drive
> sipXecs(4.4.0-2011-04-19EDT12:21:17 domU-12-31-39-0E-C9-92)
> Thanks
> -Gary
> --
> Gary J. Luca Jr.
> 781-333-8087
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/garylukes
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