
In the contrary, the ITSP actually offered T.38 in the INVITE. The callee was polite enough to reject the offer by setting the port to zero. The OP did not specify the call flow well for us to identify who/which the callee is. Yes this is the proper way of rejecting the stream and since it's the "proper" way, removing it makes it improper which is a regression so the request will not get too much traction IMO.

Quote from RFC 3264:

6 Generating the Answer

   The answer to an offered session description is based on the offered
   session description.  If the answer is different from the offer in
   any way (different IP addresses, ports, etc.), the origin line MUST
   be different in the answer, since the answer is generated by a
   different entity.  In that case, the version number in the "o=" line
   of the answer is unrelated to the version number in the o line of the

   For each "m=" line in the offer, there MUST be a corresponding "m="
   line in the answer.  The answer MUST contain exactly the same number
   of "m=" lines as the offer.  This allows for streams to be matched up
   based on their order.  This implies that if the offer contained zero
   "m=" lines, the answer MUST contain zero "m=" lines.

   The "t=" line in the answer MUST equal that of the offer.  The time
   of the session cannot be negotiated.

   An offered stream MAY be rejected in the answer, for any reason.  If
   a stream is rejected, the offerer and answerer MUST NOT generate
   media (or RTCP packets) for that stream.  To reject an offered
   stream, the port number in the corresponding stream in the answer
   MUST be set to zero.  Any media formats listed are ignored.  At least
   one MUST be present, as specified by SDP.

   Constructing an answer for each offered stream differs for unicast
   and multicast.


On 06/21/2011 08:18 PM, Josh Patten wrote:
This line is required for the proper function of the fax service as it is T.38 only (no G.711 transport) and different ITSPs behave differently when dealing with T.38. If your ITSP doesn't support T.38 (likely it doesn't) then they appear to disconnect the call.

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 4:07 AM, Peter van der Salm < <>> wrote:

    Hi All,

    We have a SipXecs 4.4.0- 2011-05-10EDT22:48:21. Incoming calls
    from one particular operator on a SIP trunk fail.
    Further analyses has shown that the call is ended from the
    operators side (Tele2), after the 200 OK on the INVITE is sent
    from the SIPX
    In the 200 OK there is in the SDP a line with  with:

    m=image 0 UDPTL 19

    which seems to cause the problem. As far as my knowledge
    stretches, this is a proper and allowed way to tell that (T.38?)
    is not supported on the call, port =0 after all....

    Just to keep thing down to earth: is there a way to make SipXecs
    NOT send this  line?
    In fact the operator in question should correct its behavior, but
    that may take a long time.....
    I have attached the pcap.

    Kind Regards,

    Peter van der Salm

    Smart Future cv,
    Buys Ballotstraat 14,
    3572 ZR Utrecht,
    The Netherlands
    phone: +31 308 793 512 <tel:%2B31%20308%20793%20512>
    fax: +31 847 156 296 <tel:%2B31%20847%20156%20296>
    mobile: +31 620 749 471 <tel:%2B31%20620%20749%20471>

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