  I read through the archives  to try and answer my questions before
asking. I apologize in advance if I am asking something that was already

My site is making the first step in moving away from Cisco UCM to SipX ECS.
Our IT department has been running several months on SipX 4.4/Centos5 using
Polycoms and a Desktop Computer. Our next step is the purchase of two
AudioCode gateways and three servers. Two servers will be at our main
campus (replacing the desktop running ECS) and the other server will be at
our remote site. This is to get everything in place so we can gradually cut
users over as funded getting secured for new handsets. Our Cisco system
could die any day.

 My concern is the recent posts regarding CentOS 6 and the next release.
Currently it looks like there will be no upgrade path. I did see a post
indicating that SipX 4.4 could be manually installed on CentOS 6, however,
requires manual install of several other services (bind, ntp, dhcp, etc.).
My question is, if one were to do the manual CentOS6 install, would this
mean they would be able to upgrade to the next SipX ECS release or would it
still require a full manual install? I am trying to see if it is worth the
manual install or if I should just stick with the version we are running
now and plan for a rebuild when the new version is released.

Thanks in advance,



Jesse Becker  |  Technical Manager
Network+ | Linux+ Certified Professional
491 Cottekill Road, Stone Ridge, NY  12484
Tel 845-687-5064 | Fax 845-687-5105 |


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