On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 9:02 PM, Tim Ingalls <t...@sharedcom.net> wrote:
> Hi Everyone. I promise I am not trying to be a troll. I have some serious
> questions that I hope I can ask honestly and get some honest feedback about
> using the free version of sipXecs as a commercial product.

Tim, it's at the end of my day and so I'm not going to be able to give
this the response it deserves but in short, I believe you raised a lot
of great points.  Yes, sipxecs 4.4 and the previous versions are a
mixed bag of success if you happen to catch a break on the features
you need working.  I'll go thru this email tomorrow a point out where
the new upcoming release 4.6 either addresses these points or why 4.6
will allow us address these in very short order.

> I implemented sipXecs about a year ago. My hope was to find something more
> reliable than Asterisk/Trixbox/FreePBX and easier to deploy. My purpose was
> to start selling phone systems and SIP trunking to businesses as a VAR. So
> far, after testing the system day in and day out as my home/home-office
> phone system, I haven't found it stable enough to feel comfortable selling
> it to customers.
> I have had a host of issues with sipXecs, and every time I think I've got
> the platform stable, something else fails and I get one of those
> barely-descriptive error messages in my email inbox. I've followed the
> instructions from the book, the wiki, and this forum, but still have issues
> every month. Some of the issues are as follows:
> Routing inbound calls to an auto-attendant worked great for a long time and
> then just stopped working one day. After connecting the call, visitors were
> greeted with no sound at all. I decided after hours of trying everything to
> just skip the auto-attendant and deactivate it.
> With both Vitelity and Voip.ms, I have problems where periodically an
> authentication request is rejected. Instead of re-trying immediately,
> sipXecs waits a full 10 minutes to try to connect again.
> Nuances about how certain ITSPs (e.g., Vitelity and Voip.ms) work, and how
> you can and cannot connect to them without getting strange behavior like
> inbound audio not working, rejected authentication requests, etc., take days
> and weeks to isolate sometimes. These are not very well tested nor
> documented. I think that a serious effort at interop testing and
> certification should be undertaken with detailed results --warts and all--
> posted so that someone can make an educated decision when selecting an ITSP
> to use with sipXecs.
> Just a few days ago, calls that were transfered to voicemail resulted in the
> call failing and the ITSP routing the call to my failover phone number (my
> cell phone) -- this is after the call initially rang correctly. Rebooting
> the system fixed it for some reason. Why?
> Periodically, (perhaps due to a sipviscious attack) certain services just
> stop working. Sometimes it is the proxy service. Sometimes it is the
> registrar service. Sometimes it is the NAT traversal feature as a result of
> temporarily not being able to reach the STUN server assigned (since there is
> no back-up STUN server setting). Why should these services just fail and
> require human intervention to restart them? Can't they just time out for a
> certain short period and then fix themselves?
> CID doesn't work reliably. I change all of the settings as I'm told in the
> wiki, but it still doesn't get transmitted correctly (or at all). For some
> of my users, it works flawlessly, and for others it doesn't work at all.
> Doing a SIP trace to isolate an issue is a pain in the neck. In Asterisk,
> all you have to do is type "asterisk -rvv" and you can see a dialog stream
> which you can read quickly. With sipXecs, you have to run a series of
> research tasks to find the call in question, convert the time to UTC, grep
> for the time stamp in a big list of calls, then create a merged XML file,
> then load it into SIPViewer, and then find what you are looking for. The
> process takes at least 5 minutes if you are an expert.
> Those are just a few examples. I'm always wondering what is going to go
> wrong next. It drives me (and my wife and kids) crazy. I never had this many
> problems with Trixbox. I'm not saying that sipXecs doesn't have its good
> points. I'm just saying that over the last year+ since I started using 4.2
> and then 4.4, it has been anything but reliable. Reliability is the number
> one need for commercial clients.
> Yes, I'll admit that it could all be my fault. It probably is. But there are
> so many options, so many opinions, so many sources of information, (there
> are even so many places to set port numbers for various things) that it
> seems you have to do only sipXecs development for a living to be able to
> deploy it correctly. It is far from simple. And that complexity is part of
> the problem.
> I know that some of you have deployed many of these systems in a commercial
> setting, so I have to ask you, how do you do it? I'm too afraid that if I
> deploy sipXecs in an actual customer's location that they'll hate me within
> a few months and ask for their money back. How do you set everything up
> (selection of ITSP, etc.) so that the system is rock-solid reliable? Can we
> collect some rock-solid fool-proof (as much as possible) recipes that are
> known to work reliably every time? This seems to be something that should be
> placed on the wiki. I know that there are 100+ ways to configure the system
> (SIP trunking gateway configs, various hardware, ITSP settings, dial rules,
> etc.). I'm looking for just the recipes that make the system reliable. I
> also know that there are various conflicting opinions on this forum about
> what works and what doesn't. I'm looking for PROVEN opinions.
> This is my final shot before I give up on the platform. I'd even be willing
> to partner with someone who has a near-flawless system implemented and pay
> you to do the technical part if you can prove your solution is stable. Until
> I find the answer to this problem, I can't use sipXecs as the cornerstone of
> my business plan and will have to move on. If I can solve this issue, I'd be
> willing to pay for further development out of my profits.
> I know someone will suggest that I should just sell Ezuce's commercial
> products. Based on what I've experienced so far, I don't think I'd feel
> confident in relying on Ezuce to be the partner in question. If the
> open-source version has these problems, what's to say that the commercial
> version is any better?
> Does anyone else experience the same reliability issues?
> Also, is anyone willing to have a phone conversation about this and impart
> some wisdom or have a partnership conversation?
> --
> Thanks,
> Tim Ingalls
> Shared Communications, Inc.
> 801-618-2102 Office
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