I was wondering how long it would take to get to this, credit to all, the thread almost went 3 days before it got childish. Typical of this list. Oh wait someone did suggest he should read the book the first day...

On 2/18/2012 7:07 AM, Tony Graziano wrote:

maybe you should start with this book instead:

http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1451612575/ref=mp_s_a_3?qid=1329577567&sr=8-3 <http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1451612575/ref=mp_s_a_3?qid=1329577567&sr=8-3>

On Feb 18, 2012 9:51 AM, "Tony Graziano" <tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net <mailto:tgrazi...@myitdepartment.net>> wrote:

    I think you need to apologize for your cross attitude with Martin
    and eZuce. It was rude, unprofessional, uncalled for and plain old

    I look forward to your public apology.

    On Feb 17, 2012 9:52 PM, "Tim Ingalls" <t...@sharedcom.net
    <mailto:t...@sharedcom.net>> wrote:

        I appreciate your feedback. You're right. Being specific is
        helpful. However, I was trying to not be totally specific,
        because I'm bringing up a few main general points:

        1. Learning and deploying sipXecs correctly is very complex.
        The learning curve is very steep compared to some other
        open-source projects, including Trixbox. Part of the
        complexity is the way the user interface is laid out (multiple
        places to configure similar things, etc.), part of it is due
        to bugs and incompatibility w/ specific ITSPs, and part of it
        is due to the technology itself. What I liked about Trixbox is
        that it pretty much just worked w/ most of the ITSPs without a
        bunch of headaches. So although the user interface (FreePBX)
        isn't as nice as sipXecs, you don't have to worry about
        tweaking the internals as much since it usually just works.

        I am trying to sell SIP trunking to small businesses who want
        to save money on their monthly bills. I'm not necessarily
        planning to resell SIP trunking at the beginning. I'm more the
        marketing type and am looking for someone who is great with
        the technical stuff, but I'm starting off by myself, so I'm
        looking for a system that can be deployed with only a medium
        amount of experience with interop w/ ITSPs.

        2. The book is great, but it doesn't cover everything. For
        example, it doesn't tell you that if you are connecting to
        Voip.ms that you have to choose the same server to register to
        as you have set in the DID's POP setting in the Voip.ms
        portal. You can't register using the same DID to one
        sub-account at one server and another sub-account at another
        server so that you have server redundancy. You also cannot
        register two sub-accounts to the same server or you start
        seeing registration rejections and one-way audio on outbound
        calls. It also doesn't tell you that Voip.ms has a secret NAT
        keepalive setting they can set both on your main account AND
        on the sub-accounts, and that it can stop the problem of
        getting registration and call rejections for outbound calls.

        The book goes over the basics. Not the technical details. For
        the technical details, you have to read every post in this
        mailing list every day. You also have to read every page of
        the wiki. You also have to ask questions on this list. Some of
        us have too much going on to be able to do that. But the same
        questions pop up here over and over. Why? Because they aren't
        documented in an excellent way. I think that maybe we are
        subconsciously using "Read the book" as a crutch to not have
        to document things properly.

        The fact is, the lack of documentation for both how to
        configure sipXecs, and how NOT to configure it, even though it
        is possible to do so (because that feature isn't available or
        there is a bug, etc.)  is a big problem with getting more
        people, including technical people, to adopt this as a platform.

        If you want to learn to deploy Cisco gear, there are classes
        you can take, books you can read, and certifications you can
        take. If you want to learn to deploy Avaya, Nortel, Alcatel,
        etc., there are similar programs. You learn the stuff, and
        then you know what to do. With sipXecs, the knowledge about
        how everything works is very diffuse. Even if I hire techs to
        do my installs, I imagine they would be struggling to learn
        how to deploy the system. The lack of documentation prevents a
        wide reach for the project.

        3. I'm suggesting that we need some simplified recipes for
        deploying a fool-proof system. I'd like to cite the Drupal
        installation profiles as an example. Drupal is complicated. It
        has lots of documentation spread across several books, tons of
        articles on the Drupal site, and lots of third-party Web sites
        with info on it. But they also have installation profiles you
        can just install and everything works. Want an e-commerce site
        with PayPal as the back-end? There's an installation profile
        for it. An installation profile contains all of the optional
        modules you'll need without having to download and configure
        each one.

        We could do that for sipXecs. It would make it more
        accessible. I think if you study the rise of Asterisk and
        Trixbox, one of the keys for spreading their popularity was
        that they are accessible to moderately technical
        do-it-yourself types like myself. If the sipXecs project wants
        to get more traction, its proponents should pay more attention
        to making it easier to adopt.

        4. You and others have suggested adding knowledge to the wiki.
        The problem I face in doing that is that I don't feel like I
        am an expert enough to definitively state how to do very many
        things that aren't already on the wiki. I don't want to give
        out bad information, especially since it seems that just when
        I think I have figured out sipXecs, something else breaks. I
        don't feel qualified to put much into the wiki.

        I've seen you give out some great information. But it gets
        buried under a pile of other posts in this mailing list.


        By the way, here is my setup:

        1 Polycom IP 670
        1 Polycom IP 450
        1 Grandstream HT386 ATA
        1 Sipura SPA-2002

        ISP was Qwest for DSL and Xmission for the ISP service. I used
        to have 5 static IPs. My ISP is now Comcast 20Mbps residential
        service. Comcast doesn't sell static IPs for residential

        1 Linksys WRT54GL running Tomato Firmware. I used to use the
        QOS prioritization feature w/ Qwest, but don't use it any more
        since I have way more bandwidth than I can use and I don't
        have any troubles with QOS issues. The firewall currently has
        TCP/UDP ports 5060 and 5080 forwarded to symmetrical ports on
        my sipXecs server. No ports are forwarded for the RTP stream.
        When I connect to both Vitelity and Voip.ms, the SIP port is
        verified as registered to 5080.

        I also temporarily deployed pfSense on a mini computer (AMD
        PIC) to see if some of my issues were from my firewall setup,
        but there was no change, so I switched back to the Linksys router.

        My sipXecs server is running on a Pentium 4 3.2 GHz w/ 2GB RAM
        and 250GB SATA hard drive and 1Gbps Ethernet. Although it is a
        bit under-powered for a large company, for my home office it
        works fine.

        I am using a Cisco Catalyst 2924 10/100Mbps switch without
        implementing VLANs. There is no LAN QOS. But I don't think I
        need it. My problem is not call quality. It is flaky
        connections w/ ITSPs and other problems w/ CID, internal
        sipXecs services, etc.

        I use zoneedit.com <http://zoneedit.com> as my DNS host. I
        also have port 53 forwarded at my firewall to the sipXecs
        machine, and I have all of my local machines listed at the end
        of the zone file so I can use sipXecs as my local DNS server.
        I don't know if my DNS setup is actually working well for
        requests from the outside world into specific machines on my
        network, but that's OK. I don't really want that to happen. I
        just port forward to my Web server, etc.

        The only mildly annoying thing related to latency is that the
        first micro-second of phrases I hear from the voicemail system
        get cut off or slurred when listened to on a Polycom phone,
        but I chalk that up to the slow CPU on my server. I've
        experimented with various firmware versions on my Polycom
        phones, but to no avail. I'm hopeful that a real server
        wouldn't have that issue.


        But again, I think what I'm trying to accomplish here is to
        find out what specific configurations people are using that
        actually work. What ITSPs do you use? What configs work with
        them and which ones don't?

        I'm not looking to just dump on sipXecs. I really like the
        platform. I really really want it to work out. My only issue
        is that it keeps me up at night worrying that if I deploy it
        to any customers I'll be in deep doo-doo.


        Tim Ingalls
        Shared Communications, Inc.
        801-618-2102 Office

        On 02/17/2012 06:34 PM, Tony Graziano wrote:

        The book was written based on an earlier version of sipx but
        the concept is no different. I have heard a lot of positive
        feedback from people who have ready the book.

        If you stop being vague and ask questions while providing
        detail I'm sure you will get the answers you seek, if you are
        actively looking for answers.

        An example would be:

        I use phone model "a" with firmware version "1" and my calls
        are sometimes connected with one way audio using trunks from
        so and so and a firewall from blankety blank. Here is my sip

        If you have a little mystery it takes a little digging and
        problem solving to find out why. Dig in and see what's wrong.
        If you want to resell siptrunking (no matter the platform and
        provider) you had best be able to do this any given day anyway.

        Good luck.

        On Feb 17, 2012 8:16 PM, "Tim Ingalls" <t...@sharedcom.net
        <mailto:t...@sharedcom.net>> wrote:

            I did read the book. There are lots of important
            technical details that are not in the book.


            Tim Ingalls
            Shared Communications, Inc.
            801-618-2102 Office

            On 02/16/2012 07:29 PM, Tony Graziano wrote:

            You should read the book.

            On Feb 16, 2012 9:03 PM, "Tim Ingalls"
            <t...@sharedcom.net <mailto:t...@sharedcom.net>> wrote:

                Hi Everyone. I promise I am not trying to be a
                troll. I have some serious questions that I hope I
                can ask honestly and get some honest feedback about
                using the free version of sipXecs as a commercial

                I implemented sipXecs about a year ago. My hope was
                to find something more reliable than
                Asterisk/Trixbox/FreePBX and easier to deploy. My
                purpose was to start selling phone systems and SIP
                trunking to businesses as a VAR. So far, after
                testing the system day in and day out as my
                home/home-office phone system, I haven't found it
                stable enough to feel comfortable selling it to

                I have had a host of issues with sipXecs, and every
                time I think I've got the platform stable, something
                else fails and I get one of those barely-descriptive
                error messages in my email inbox. I've followed the
                instructions from the book, the wiki, and this
                forum, but still have issues every month. Some of
                the issues are as follows:

                  * Routing inbound calls to an auto-attendant
                    worked great for a long time and then just
                    stopped working one day. After connecting the
                    call, visitors were greeted with no sound at
                    all. I decided after hours of trying everything
                    to just skip the auto-attendant and deactivate it.
                  * With both Vitelity and Voip.ms, I have problems
                    where periodically an authentication request is
                    rejected. Instead of re-trying immediately,
                    sipXecs waits a full 10 minutes to try to
                    connect again.
                  * Nuances about how certain ITSPs (e.g., Vitelity
                    and Voip.ms) work, and how you can and cannot
                    connect to them without getting strange behavior
                    like inbound audio not working, rejected
                    authentication requests, etc., take days and
                    weeks to isolate sometimes. These are not very
                    well tested nor documented. I think that a
                    serious effort at interop testing and
                    certification should be undertaken with detailed
                    results --warts and all-- posted so that someone
                    can make an educated decision when selecting an
                    ITSP to use with sipXecs.
                  * Just a few days ago, calls that were transfered
                    to voicemail resulted in the call failing and
                    the ITSP routing the call to my failover phone
                    number (my cell phone) -- this is after the call
                    initially rang correctly. Rebooting the system
                    fixed it for some reason. Why?
                  * Periodically, (perhaps due to a sipviscious
                    attack) certain services just stop working.
                    Sometimes it is the proxy service. Sometimes it
                    is the registrar service. Sometimes it is the
                    NAT traversal feature as a result of temporarily
                    not being able to reach the STUN server assigned
                    (since there is no back-up STUN server setting).
                    Why should these services just fail and require
                    human intervention to restart them? Can't they
                    just time out for a certain short period and
                    then fix themselves?
                  * CID doesn't work reliably. I change all of the
                    settings as I'm told in the wiki, but it still
                    doesn't get transmitted correctly (or at all).
                    For some of my users, it works flawlessly, and
                    for others it doesn't work at all.
                  * Doing a SIP trace to isolate an issue is a pain
                    in the neck. In Asterisk, all you have to do is
                    type "asterisk -rvv" and you can see a dialog
                    stream which you can read quickly. With sipXecs,
                    you have to run a series of research tasks to
                    find the call in question, convert the time to
                    UTC, grep for the time stamp in a big list of
                    calls, then create a merged XML file, then load
                    it into SIPViewer, and then find what you are
                    looking for. The process takes at least 5
                    minutes if you are an expert.

                Those are just a few examples. I'm always wondering
                what is going to go wrong next. It drives me (and my
                wife and kids) crazy. I never had this many problems
                with Trixbox. I'm not saying that sipXecs doesn't
                have its good points. I'm just saying that over the
                last year+ since I started using 4.2 and then 4.4,
                it has been anything but reliable. Reliability is
                the number one need for commercial clients.

                Yes, I'll admit that it could all be my fault. It
                probably is. But there are so many options, so many
                opinions, so many sources of information, (there are
                even so many places to set port numbers for various
                things) that it seems you have to do only sipXecs
                development for a living to be able to deploy it
                correctly. It is far from simple. And that
                complexity is part of the problem.

                I know that some of you have deployed many of these
                systems in a commercial setting, so I have to ask
                you, how do you do it? I'm too afraid that if I
                deploy sipXecs in an actual customer's location that
                they'll hate me within a few months and ask for
                their money back. How do you set everything up
                (selection of ITSP, etc.) so that the system is
                rock-solid reliable? Can we collect some rock-solid
                fool-proof (as much as possible) recipes that are
                known to work reliably every time? This seems to be
                something that should be placed on the wiki. I know
                that there are 100+ ways to configure the system
                (SIP trunking gateway configs, various hardware,
                ITSP settings, dial rules, etc.). I'm looking for
                just the recipes that make the system reliable. I
                also know that there are various conflicting
                opinions on this forum about what works and what
                doesn't. I'm looking for PROVEN opinions.

                This is my final shot before I give up on the
                platform. I'd even be willing to partner with
                someone who has a near-flawless system implemented
                and pay you to do the technical part if you can
                prove your solution is stable. Until I find the
                answer to this problem, I can't use sipXecs as the
                cornerstone of my business plan and will have to
                move on. If I can solve this issue, I'd be willing
                to pay for further development out of my profits.

                I know someone will suggest that I should just sell
                Ezuce's commercial products. Based on what I've
                experienced so far, I don't think I'd feel confident
                in relying on Ezuce to be the partner in question.
                If the open-source version has these problems,
                what's to say that the commercial version is any better?

                Does anyone else experience the same reliability issues?

                Also, is anyone willing to have a phone conversation
                about this and impart some wisdom or have a
                partnership conversation?

-- Thanks,

                Tim Ingalls
                Shared Communications, Inc.
                801-618-2102 Office

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