It's probably not sipx related since I can't even register a phone using the 
credentials they sent me. 

Waiting to hear from support.

On Fri, 27 Apr 2012 12:17:25 -0500, wrote:
> So quick question in terms of using appia and registration.
> ITSP Identifier                                         Registration Status
> [314925xxxx]         AUTHENTICATION_FAILED
> I've created the gateway, added the reg information but cannot authenticate.
> Have emailed support who is looking into it as I try but another thing is
> unclear.
> In the Configuration section, I have tried leaving the port to 0 which is
> port 5080 trying by default and have tried port 5060 but neither works. In
> this thread, it was mentioned that registering using default port 5080
> should be fine so wondering if I've overlooked something.
> Mike
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