On Fri, 27 Apr 2012 13:43:00 -0400, Matt White wrote:
> Under the gateway config, you do NOT want the port to be listed as 5080.
> You want it to be either 0 or 5060.  If it is set to 0 then sipx with do an
> SRV lookup to find the port.  Appia does support SRV looks for the
> registration (its the preferred method).  You can test your srv lookup of
> the appia records with nslookup.

SRV lookup seems to work and I've left it at 0 as well as tried 5060 on both 
their srv dns record and their IP's. 
Has to be something at their end since even a phone is not able to register.

> Appia will never listen on port 5080.  They just need to send to 5080. 
> Sipx will send to their port 5060.

I'll have to re-read the thread. I thought someone said that if I send 
registration on port 5080, I'll receive on port 5080.


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