Great suggestion. You might consider putting the default password in the
User Group too, we use groups in a kind of tenanted solution so it would be
good if each customer (ie group) could have a seperate default password.

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 5:51 PM, George Niculae <> wrote:

> I noticed lately that some changes were done in this area - AFAIU
> passwords will be empty by default but when creating an user from  admin
> portal a button to generate random pass is available. While this address
> some of the issues raised by Todd I don't feel like the right way to
> implement it. That's because an admin wanting to have a policy of random
> generated passwords for the entire system needs to manually click the
> button for each user and that could be annoying. IMO we should have this
> option as a global setting (drop down with options like empty pass, random
> generated) and this to be automatically applied for all users that are
> created. More, this would allow leveraging the default password policy for
> all mechanisms that creates sipXecs users - SOAP API, users imported from
> ldap, etc.
> George
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