I'm not sure just how important the Bria Softphone really is.  Personally, I
don't use it or recommend it to customer.   Many have found their support
lacking, and they don't seem to be Channel friendly.  


Have you tried other clients?  I've had good results with the 3CX softphone,
and they now have a network components for monitoring their use.


Additionally, eZuce has a product that comes with their licensed product -
openUC.   You might want to look at that as well.




From: sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Nicholas Drayer
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 6:11 PM
To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] sipx 4.6 inbound ivr-->extension always not


I put in XX-10547 for the IM-enabled interfering with incoming audio
problem. Seems pretty major to me, making the Bria softphone rather useless.


If I have time I'll see if I can make the MoH issue repeatable this weekend,
and then put an issue in.


Thanks for helping - Joegen, you made me look closer at the client, at which
point I realized I had one that did work, and one that didn't, even though
diff-ing their phone's .ini files showed them to be identical apart from
their credentials. So then I realized there had to be something different
between the two users, not their phone settings.


From: sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Michael Picher
Sent: November-29-12 2:38 AM
To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] sipx 4.6 inbound ivr-->extension always not


fwiw, i never put servers into branches.


i only use branches to have users prefer particular gateways on dial-out.  i
don't see that putting a server in a particular branch has any bearing here.




On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 12:58 AM, Nicholas Drayer
<nicholasdra...@dyrand.com> wrote:

At last, I am now able to turn the problem incoming call audio problem on
and off repeatably and reliably: it has something to do with XMPP. Below are
the repeatable steps. Does anyone have an idea what I should do with this...
put in a bug report? I don't want to do that without someone's advice, since
it's entirely possible that I'm missing something vital that I don't know


Step 1


Create a user that has IM disabled (User list-screen --> click on the User
ID --> Instant Messaging --> uncheck Enabled --> OK)

Create a phone profile that has IM disabled (Devices --> click on the Line
--> XMPP --> uncheck top two boxes)

Send Profiles

Login Bria

Audio works both ways when dialling in from SIP trunking provider.


Step 2


User list-screen --> click on the User ID --> Instant Messaging --> check
Enabled --> Apply

Incoming call from the SIP trunking provider now has no audio either way
after being transferred to the Bria client by the IVR


Step 3


User list-screen --> click on the User ID --> Instant Messaging --> uncheck
Enabled --> Apply

Logout of Bria

Login to Bria

Audio works both ways when dialling in from SIP trunking provider.


Note A


For Step 2, you do NOT have to logout of Bria. But for Step 3 (making it
work properly again) you DO have to logout of and login back with Bria, even
thought the profile is not changed whatsoever.


Note B


Turning the Bria phone line XMPP on (Devices --> Phones --> click on Line
--> XMPP --> top two checkboxes) makes no difference to the above behaviour,
except that it does enable Bria's IM features if the IM is enabled on the
user's screen. All IM features work properly.


The MoH issue definitely has something to do with branch settings: I removed
the branch from the Server, the Gateway, and the Users (they were all
identical, currently the system only has one; so now they are "All") and now
it works fine. It's unrelated to the above. If I can replicate it I'll
report it too.


Nicholas Drayer, Managing Director
Dyrand Systems Inc. 
Tel: 604.408.4415 ext. 319 <tel:604.408.4415%20ext.%20319> 
 <mailto:nicholasdra...@dyrand.com> email |  <http://www.dyrand.com/> web


From: sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org
[sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org] on behalf of Nicholas Drayer
Sent: November 28, 2012 5:05 PM

To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] sipx 4.6 inbound ivr-->extension always not


The MoH issue is related to Bria: I've now figured out that the MoH issue
only occurs happens with the Mac OS X Bria client. Same for the hold/resume
issue - works properly on Windows, can't resume on  Mac. Both exhibit the
main problem of no audio in/out for external received calls.


What I find difficult to wrap my head around is that the MoH on the calling
external calling line works when the IVR connects and rings a Windows Bria
client, but not for a Mac Bria client.


I haven't mentioned this, but calling from extension to extension works
fine. None of the extensions are on the sipXecs server's LAN: the server is
on AWS EC2, separated by the AWS Security Group from the Internet, the
various clients are in their own networks with their own NATted connections
to the Internet. It's only when a call comes in via the sipXecs server's
5080 port that the Bria client exhibits no audio sent/received.


Coming to think of it - I'm impressed that calling from a sip client behind
NAT to a server behind NAT to another sip client behind NAT actually works


From: sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Nicholas Drayer
Sent: November-28-12 4:11 PM
To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] sipx 4.6 inbound ivr-->extension always not


Another day and yet a bit closer: the Polycom SoundPoint I managed to
provision for this server has no problems whatsoever. MoH, inbound, outbound
- all are no problem!

So I think I can only conclude that it is a Bria-specific problem. That's a
relief - I think I now can conclude the server I've setup is good. On the
other hand, I'm setting this up for 3 users who are mobile and want to use


Are there any Bria-specific provisioning settings I should look at in
sipXecs that may be related to the problem?


Unless anyone reading this has a brilliant idea, I'm going to forward the
Bria log to CounterPath, and cross my fingers that they will figure it out.


From: sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org
[mailto:sipx-users-boun...@list.sipfoundry.org] On Behalf Of Nicholas Drayer
Sent: November-28-12 11:58 AM
To: Joegen Baclor
Cc: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] sipx 4.6 inbound ivr-->extension always not


That all looks good Joegen:


Pretty much the same from all three sites I'm testing from.


From: Joegen Baclor [mailto:jbac...@ezuce.com] 
Sent: November-28-12 1:10 AM
To: Nicholas Drayer
Cc: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] sipx 4.6 inbound ivr-->extension always not


I was wrong.  It's no sipXnonat that you should be looking for but to make
sure your registrations has x-sipX-privcontact.  Can you verify this for all
your NATed registrations?

On 11/28/2012 04:35 PM, Nicholas Drayer wrote:

Thank you Joegen, 

Yes, it's registered and sipXnonat is not visible on the registration (on
the web portal). And yes, I put the Bria logging on and it receives
keep-alive (I think I'm able to make out that is says every 30 seconds). I
ran  "tcpdump -v host sipx.mydomain.com", which is showing the sip
keep-alives; exactly every 30 seconds another 5 or-so lines appear (I
disabled the XMPP account while running tcpdump).


Some other symptoms:

- outgoing to an external number rings on the calling side, and sound works
both ways when picked up; when I put the call on hold, I can resume it. No
MoH though. I can also transfer the call just fine to yet another external

- incoming external does ring, no MoH or ringing sound (dead silence on the
calling end after "Please hold while I transfer your call"). After picking
up still no sound either way. When I put the call on hold, I cannot resume,
the Bria 'Resume" button does not work -- you have to end the call.


The problem occurs identically on my Mac at home as it does on my Windows 7
box at work in Vancouver, as it does on my colleagues Windows box in Toronto
(i.e., three totally different firewalls and two OS's). Therefore I'm a bit
hesitant to blame Bria.


I will tomorrow also send Bria a log, and ask for their input. But my gut
tells me its something else than their software. I have a spare Polycom at
work -- I'll also get that provisioned and working.




From: Joegen Baclor [jbac...@ezuce.com]
Sent: November 27, 2012 7:26 PM
To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Cc: Nicholas Drayer
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] sipx 4.6 inbound ivr-->extension always not

Check the registration status of the phone in the admin UI.  Is it
registered?  If so, is it registered as NATed  (sipXnonat tag not present in
contact)?   If it is NATED, can you confirm if OPTIONS keep-alive is
received by the phone occasionally if you sniff the packets from the phones

On 11/28/2012 09:43 AM, Nicholas Drayer wrote:


I've got a test system up, everything works super, except inbound calls:
they do go to the IVR, but when I choose an extension, it is always 'not
available'. I can leave a voice message, and the extension's user can pick
retrieve the voicemail.

I can call out just fine.

I'm using last night's 4.6 (problem has existed since I set the system up
about 5 days ago) on RHEL 6.3 - 64 bit.

Maybe related to this is that MoH doesn't seem to work (but I've not looked
into that too much: the bridge and the user have it set though).


I'm guessing it's some NAT related issue in conjunction with Blind
Forwarding. It's on Amazon AWS, I set the security group to all open I'm not
blocking anything incoming or outgoing.


I'm hoping someone can point me to where the look to solve this, I'd be most






Nicholas Drayer

Managing Director

Dyrand Systems

T. 604.408.4415 Ext. 319 <tel:604.408.4415%20Ext.%20319> 





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List Archive: http://list.sipfoundry.org/archive/sipx-users/



sipx-users mailing list
List Archive: http://list.sipfoundry.org/archive/sipx-users/


Michael Picher, Director of Technical Services
eZuce, Inc.

300 Brickstone Square

Suite 201

Andover, MA. 01810

O.978-296-1005 X2015 
@mpicher <http://twitter.com/mpicher> 

linkedin <http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=35504760&trk=tab_pro> 



There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and
those who don't.


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