No Trevor: the MoH is a different issue, once I changed the Server, the 
Gateway, and the User to have no branch (aka all branches), that problem went 
away. I still think there's an issue there, but MoH is definitely a different 

The actual problem is that under the following conditions audio is not received 
or sent either way:
- An incoming call from the outside (i.e. to provider --> sipXecs over port 
5080 --> IVR --> extension with Bria softphone)
- A Bria softphone
- The User has their setting for IM enabled.

These conditions are very precise:
- a call from one extension to another works fine;
- an outgoing call works fine;
- substituting the Bria phone with a SoundPoint desktop works fine -- toggling 
the IM setting for the user makes no difference to the SoundPoint;
- it doesn't matter whether or not the Bria phone settings are provisioned for 
XMPP or not, it's merely the User IM setting that's important;
- the ini file generated by sipXecs for the Bria is identical whether or not 
the IM setting for the User is enabled;

I would surmise that port 5080 is working fine -- the Bria does ring, you can 
answer the call and the other side sees that you answered. You can hang up. 
It's the audio that is missing. In this particular situation the RTP is nog 
going either way.

I put an issue in: xx-10547. Hopefully I'm explaining the issue clearly enough. 
I've tested it on two separate setups of sipXecs 4.6 over two weeks, with 
identical repeatable results.

[] on behalf of Trevor L Benson 
Sent: November 30, 2012 6:23 PM
To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] sipx 4.6 inbound ivr-->extension always not available

The provider I have tied into my 4.6 system is specifically because they refuse 
to redirect inbound to anything but 5060.  So I would have to URI dial and rely 
on SRV to test, and then still tcpdump to verify it was happening as your 
configuration is currently.  In Mikes follow up email he clarified Proxy was 
working externally on 5060, maybe just give it a test and see if there is any 

At this point I have to admit I think I am confusing the actual problem with 
the Subject of the original thread.  Is the problem extension not available, or 
did I just zone out this has been a MoH issue the whole time since its the Bria 

In any case if proxy is on 5060, I would potentially test inbound signaling to 
5060 from your provider.  If I get time to upgrade my 4.4 server this weekend 
now that we finished our basic testing for contact center I should be able to 
use<> and simulate your environment on port 
5080 and compare to normal 5060 through my alternate provider.

Were you using strictly desktop Bria versions, or were any iPhone/iPad/Android 
versions being tested as well?

Trevor Benson, Network Engineer
A1 Networks
Voice: 707-703-1041

For support issues please email<> or call 707-703-1050

On Nov 30, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Nicholas Drayer 
<<>> wrote:

Yes, just to confirm, it's 100% 5080 that I'm using. I use IP authentication 
for the SIP trunk, with incoming calls going to<>:5080.

 on behalf of Michael Picher [<>]
Sent: November 30, 2012 2:49 PM
To: Discussion list for users of sipXecs software
Subject: Re: [sipx-users] sipx 4.6 inbound ivr-->extension always not available

you'll find you have transfer issues and whatnot with port 5060...  it is not 
the right port.  5080 is where sipXbridge is listening on.  this is not a typo. 
 the proxy listens on port 5080.


On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Trevor L Benson 
<<>> wrote:

  This has been on my mind a little over the past few days, was this just a 
typo from the 4.4 configuration for ITSP's using 5080 inbound, or is the ITSP 
still sending to you on 5080?  We tested out inbound on 5060 (albeit weeks ago 
and many updates) and it was working fine.  I am guessing its a typo, or you 
configured your system properly to still use 5080, but it's sticking in my craw 
that maybe this isn't a typo or the ITSP is sending to the wrong port?

  I have not tested the 5080 inbound on openUC 4.6 instead of 5060.  Checking 
Devices -> SIP Trunk SBCs shows that sipXbridge-1 has port 5080 listed.  
Features -> NAT Traversal under Server Config shows the private IP,  public IP, 
and 5060 for SIP port and 5061 for TLS SIP port.  It could very well work that 
5080 inbound from ITSP's still functions as it did in 4.4 and I think I 
remember someone saying you could use either or both?  However I haven't 
bothered to test it yet since I was ecstatic to get native 5060 for some picky 
providers and since that appeared to be working over a month ago in our tests I 
just wanted to ask if the calls were really sent to 5080 or 5060?


On Nov 28, 2012, at 5:05 PM, Nicholas Drayer 
<<>> wrote:

It’s only when a call comes in via the sipXecs server’s 5080 port that the Bria 
client exhibits no audio sent/received.

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