> The first thing users need is the ability to make all scripts 
> in an object "no load." Not just stopped, which still uses 
> resources, but no load. They need this from inventory, not 
> from rez, since the object might not rez under most proposed 
> systems. Why, because now that they are paying for scripts, 
> they have a right to determine how their resources are 
> allocated, not the creator of the object. Before when they 
> weren't being charged there was an argument for creator's 
> rights, now that argument is outweighed by the user's right 
> to dispose of their property, namely script limit.

This isn't nearly gradual enough though.

Someone might have a badly scripted hair that has a resizer, texture change
and hair bow colour changer in it, as well as a pair of shoes that contains
a resizer, texture changer, show/hide script to optionally show/hide some
things and a built in "sexy walk".

In general each "feature" is contained in its own script(s) so it's possible
to delete one of them while keeping the rest of them functional.

In the case of the hair they may find the resizer useless but like the
texture changer or hair bow colour changer, with the shoes they may just
want to keep the show/hide but remove all the others.

The only (legitimate) way that'll work is for LL to undo the change to "no
modify" that made it impossible to still remove "copy/no transfer" items
from inside of a "no mod" linkset.

> Second they need the ability to change the names of items in 
> inventory, even if the object is no modify.

That feature is needed just for basic inventory organizing alone :p.

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