On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 04:09:17AM +1100, Tateru Nino wrote:
> Actually, I think one of my two points earlier was that this list is
> weighted specifically towards those involved in viewer development or
> whom have a keen interest in that, and - as such - doesn't seem like an
> appropriate or representative forum at all for the topic.

I agree that this list is about the viewer, and therefore
the script limits discussion doesn't "belong" here: we have
no say or influence on the server code or protocol.

I disagree what I speak as scripter. I speak solely as private
estate owner; I also am sure that most sim owners don't have the
technological background to understand that they are close
to being ripped off again and fight for themselves, so I feel
I do not only speak for myself, but for all those "users" that
are sim owners.

> Surely, there must be some more inclusive way to have a discussion about
> this - if discussion it actually be. For the most part it just looks
> like a whole bunch of folks (and admittedly, quite nice folks in the
> main. I'm not singling anyone out, and especially not you, Lillian) who
> want to get their two-cents worth heard by Linden Lab developers, and
> who don't seem to have any other avenue for doing so.

For me, if anywhere you got the feeling I was being mad,
frustrated and not being very constructive... then that is
correct. I have given up the hope to actually get through to
Lindens. The only thing left is powerless frustration.

If the Lindens were reasonable and ACTUALLY went into a
discussion, open to technical arguments and reasoning, then
we could have really talked about this in a mature and
professional way; and together have designed a better system.
But hey, I'm just a stupid open source VIEWER coder, and they
are the Server Gods... Did you note what Babbage all posted
to the forum? Two posts. One "replies" to specific issues
with a one-liners stating his own unbendable ideas. There is
no discussion there.

Same here; with the exception of Kelly who has been the
only Linden that actually came with data and info and who
actually has reacted in a personal way to people (also
in a few posts in the forum), but who unfortunately seems
to think that there is nothing wrong with fixed limits,
so no help from that side :( (my respect for him though,
for treating us as human beings ;).

> Heck, just doing a quick count of messages, the topic would carry its
> own mailing list at this rate, and free this one up for - you know -
> talking about the viewer again. :)

My main concern, after every change LL makes up, is how to
leave SL as soon as possible... Or to think of what is
necessary to make that a good alternative :(

Working on the viewer gets a bit lower priority when the
fun in-world is disappearing.  The world is sooo much more empty
than a year ago :/

Carlo Wood <ca...@alinoe.com>
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