Sculpties are blobs of melted plastic compared to mesh. (Assuming mesh import 
is not just a new sculpty that loses all the fine detail when rezzed) 

When mesh is delivered (correctly) then people will want the better looking 
mesh based content. Things will change. And a lot of money will change hands 
when it does. And if LL takes the technology farther out to where it needs to 
be so we can construct completely custom avatars to go with all the better more 
detailed builds then all the better.

However there will continue to be a need for low geometry sims for the 
corporate and educational use cases as well as for people entering SL with less 
than optimal hardware. Then, if they want to have a good experience with the 
more detailed areas and builds, they can choose to upgrade.

So the "game" will change. For those that can afford it. 

As for bringing tools into the viewer well that SL v2 has to be open source and 
then some clever person with time and motivation on their hands can bring in 
the functionality from the open source 3D modelers that makes sense to be 
brought in. And that interface will still be necessarily more complex than the 
normal resident can use so the question must be asked why bother when you can 
work in a purpose built design environment and upload the model file.

From: Lawson English <>
To: Ann Otoole <>
Sent: Sun, January 10, 2010 7:58:52 PM
Subject: Re: [sldev] SL 2.0?

Ann Otoole wrote:
> That's too bad because mesh will be a "game changer" and I can't wait. (Now 
> that I am quietly making meshes)
> I do think (wish) LL should give us some info on what the meshes will need to 
> conform to for upload.

In-world meshes won't be a "game changer" until in-world tools exist to 
create/modify them. Otherwise, Blue Mars
would be a "game changer" already, and by most accounts, it is not.


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