Verse might not be such an idea. One of the major use-cases of verse was
that it would allow high-end tools to communicate effectively realtime. Say
you have an artists working in Adobe Photoshop on a texture which are on
finished parts of a mesh while your editting that mesh adding new geometry
in 3Dsmax and an animator was using Maya to use that mesh as part of a small
movie scene.

What if we throw SL into this mix and allowed realtime updates at least for
the content creator or even better a team of them or anyone else connected
with the verse server while a bunch of friends in-world that are also
connected to the verse server prod the mesh around and brainstorm ideas and
feedback while it is being made?

That sounds like the most awesome thing ever. And you know, if you have that
going you might get a good chance for official support, if not, its still a
highly effective form for content creation.


- Nexii

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 8:37 PM, Zha Ewry <> wrote:

> I think the reason you see so much pushback on the idea of a full mesh
> editor inside the second life client is the sheer complexity of such
> tools. Building a set of complete mesh editing tools which shared
> frequent updates via the region would be a serious challenge. That
> said,I think that there are a number of basic operations one would
> want to be able to do to Meshed objects. Simple resizes are the
> obvious ones. I'd say texturing, but in general, mesh faces are harder
> to discretely texture. It will be very interesting to see if people
> have good answers to that.
> At the same time, there is huge power in building things in world out
> of small composable building blocks. I'm hopeful that Meshes in Second
> Life will end up being used more for components, and less for complete
> large chunks. I'm thinking trees, castle walls, Chairs, and such, and
> less complete buildings, landscapes and so on. This is even more
> cogent, when it comes to managing large amounts of hosted content. The
> bigger the mesh chunks, the more one simply has to wait for the whole
> mesh to arrive and be added to the client's scenegraph model before
> you can render it. This also hints at some interesting issues for
> various loads. Prims as load markers has been a somewhat broken model
> for a while. All prims are not equally expensive to render, nor do
> they take up the same simulator resources. One hopes that meshes
> arrive with some thought about how to manage the resources they
> consume. It would be really painful if the model encouraged large,
> bulky meshes, just to game the measurement system.
> ~ Zha
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:16 AM, Mary Blackwell
> <> wrote:
> > I wish LL would approach someone like Blizz or Cryptic and talk about
> > porting to SL for bases and guildhalls in some way.  Of course I don't
> > mean you could use the same avvies, but to make some sort of official
> > connection and allow the degree of customizability we have in SL.
> >
> > Otherwise, even if Blizz implemented player customized forts, they'd be
> instanced and "cookie cutter" just as they are in EQ2 and City of Heros/City
> of VIllains.
> >
> > Getting access to the millions playing Wow and other mmos is not a bad
> idea.
> >
> >
> > Just
> > my hobbyhorse.  If these things stay around for long, it is ineivtable
> > this will happen.  Might as well be the ones who get rich off it.
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Lawson English <>
> > To: "Frisby, Adam" <>
> > Cc: "" <>
> > Sent: Mon, January 11, 2010 10:05:01 AM
> > Subject: Re: [sldev] SL 2.0?
> >
> > Frisby, Adam wrote:
> >> It's worth pointing out that outside tools are a lot better.
> >>
> >> If you add inworld texturing facilities - you are unlikely to get much
> better than MSPaint. Proper texturing requires proper tools (ie, Adobe
> Photoshop) - likewise mesh editing requires decent tools to be effective.
> Inworld mesh editing is really a unnessecary feature; sure you can do it -
> but it's cart before the horse if you don't add mesh support at all first.
> >>
> >
> > There can be many levels of editing tool. The fact that id has gone to
> > the expense to provide their professional level artists with relatively
> > high-end in-world tools (even if they aren't as good as the "out-world"
> > tools) suggests that they have found that there is a need for such tools
> > to make things look "right."
> >
> > The fact that SL also involves collaboration/immersion as one of its
> > main attractions makes it even more important.
> >
> >
> > Even in MMORPG games, such tools might be of value. If WoW had the
> > option to build a fort (perhaps using prefab boulders/bricks), as part
> > of the game play in preparation for some PVP encounter or a quest, I'm
> > pretty sure that you would find many people wanting to use them.
> >
> >
> > Lawson
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