Hello Antoine !

The quota Listener is a development for Slide to manage quotas according to the draft dealing with this topic (http://www3.ietf.org/proceedings/05mar/IDs/draft-ietf-webdav-quota-06.txt).

You will find a presentation of this development here :
and a more general documentation about the Slide based ESUP-Portail WebDAV server here :

How does the listener work in few words...
When a WebDAV request comes to Slide, Slide throws "events" (put event, delete event...) just before and just after doing the job. The quota listener catch these events and for actions needing quota management (put, delete, move...) : - before the action : check that the action will not lead to an overquota - if it does, the quota listener throws a 507 error ("quota exceeded")
- after the action : update the quota metadata

Note that the ESUP-Portail consortium has added the optional option of "virtual root" (cf. http://www.esup-portail.org/consortium/espace/Stockage_2F/serveur/serveur_V4/media/ESUPWebDAV.pdf)

Given that quota metadata are protected (propatch are not possible to initialize/modify these metadata), the ESUP-Portail consortium has developed :
- a Web service for Slide to handle quota metadata
- a client requesting this Web service to manage quota metadata

I will make a new Slide bugzilla entry with the lastest modifications.
Feel free to contact me for further details.



......oO( Thomas Bellembois )Oo......
CRI - University of Rennes 1 (France)

Antoine Levy-Lambert a écrit :
Hello Thomas,

I do not know what a quota listener is.

Can you explain ?

I am going to start working actively on slide in the next days. Usually, the 
best way is to create a bug report to which you attach the svn diff output for 
your changes (as a text file called for instance patch.txt), and also a zip or 
tar file containing all files which you would like added.

Do not forget to write documentation and testcases for your code.


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 09:55:15 +0200
Von: Thomas Bellembois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
An: Slide Developers Mailing List <slide-dev@jakarta.apache.org>
Betreff: Re: slide 2.2 release

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