Permissions on a role are inherited by the members of that role, yes. One thing to check is that your user isn't being denied write access but another ACL that's higher in the list. ACLs are checked in order and the first one that applies takes precedence. If user1 is in a role that has been denied the ability to write, and that ACE appears in the ACL before the permission that grants write access, user1 will not have write access.


Krishna Kankipati wrote:

Hi Folks,
        I am re-posting this mail since I haven't got any replies yet. I am
hoping there is some developer there who might have tried to play around
with permissions in Slide2.1M1. My problem is that when I assign some
permissions to a role, those permissions are not propogated to the users in
that role. If not for permissions what else is the purpose of having roles
at all? I am sure it is not just for logical grouping of users. Any help is
appreciated ......

thanks in advance ....



-----Original Message-----
From: Krishna Kankipati Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 5:47 PM
Subject: User Authorization based on permissions set to role in

        I was searching the mail archive for some help on permissions and
came upon this discussion you were having with some developer which seemed
relevant to my question:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05056.html
Does slide permissions propogate based on role memberships. I mean, if I
create a role called "role1", and add a user called "user1" to it, will
user1 get all the permissions that are assigned to role1. I've seen in my
tests that although I gave enough "write" permissions to "role1", Slide
does not allow "user1" to write unless I add the "write" permission to
"user1" itself. Am I missing something or is it a bug. What is your
opinion on this? I am using Slide 2.1M1 and command line client to grant
permissions to /Slide/files collection.



Krishna Kankipati Software Engineer SSA Global * 1626 Cole Blvd. Golden, CO 80401, USA * 303-274-3027 Fax: 303-274-3137 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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