Can you keep notes as you work on your store regarding what areas you have problems with and how you figured them out? That information would be really valuable for improving the documentation.


Oliver Zeigermann wrote:
I agree there is a lack of documentation as well, so it for sure is not just you. To my surprise a lot of people seem to have the plan to build a store of their own. Let's see that the documentation catches up with this development.

Is there anything you can propose? Add some of your experience to the Wiki pages. Everyone can do that. You are responsible for documentation as well.


Ragia wrote:


    You are just quoting what you wanna quote, you judged things while
you are not allowed to, and you still insist on that!

    Lack of documentation is an issue that all ppl agree on! Not only me
who mentioned that!!  (Review the mailing list if u have time)

    I started this thread talking in technical issues.. It is you who
turned it that way!!

If you don't want to waist your precious time replying to ppl who
you think are not qualified, then it is better for you to dismiss their
mails other than replying in such a way, leave it to other ppl who will
technically reply in a more professional way, (James did)


-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Zeigermann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2004 9:04 AM
To: Slide Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Custom Store Q

Ragia, Kranga,

cool down a bit. Quoting from myself: "documentation isn't the best". So, I do not know what you are after, we all agree in this. I just said
documentation might not be the only problem here, and I still stand for it.
Maybe my tone wasn't appropriate, but I already apologized for it. Let's settle it and return to technical discussion...


Ragia wrote:

Thanx a lot kranga for your support, I really appreciate your response!

-----Original Message-----
From: kranga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 7:30 PM
To: Slide Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Custom Store Q

This has to rank as the worst response I've seen on an open-source user's mailing list. Can't take some criticism? Then don't do open-source! Ragia, I understand your frustration. And just to illustrate Ragia's point, here is an example:

* Transactional content file store.
* @author <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Oliver Zeigermann</a> */

This is the javadoc for the TxFileContentStore.java class and there are hundreds of other classes where the class javadoc simply states the


Yes, this is open source and one can chip in and try to rectify it. However, the reality is that the original authors are in the best position to provide in-depth design insight at the beginning of each class. Even for open-source, your users are your clients and while you don't have monetary success, the satisfaction of your user community is reflective of the success of your project. For this response, you

earned a solid:


Does anyone have other thoughts regarding this acrimonious email?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Oliver Zeigermann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Slide Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 5:26 AM
Subject: Re: Custom Store Q


a lot of people inversted a reasonable amount of time to help you get
*your* work done. In fact, implementing your own store is a complex task and documentation isn't the best.

However, it is possible to create a store implementation of your own without being a wizzard even with the documentation that exists. Michael Oliver has, James has, Stefan has, I have and others have as well.

Have you considered your failure is not solely due to the lack of documentation, but that you may simply not be up to the task of getting your own store done? Honestly, to me it seems you want to make the people who actually help you look bad in order to disguise your own problems and I really do not appreciate that.


Ragia wrote:

Hello All,

I tried to figure out what the TX Store does using Slide. Although I didn't learn much through navigating the java source files, neither some System.out statements which showed calling lots of functions that I have


idea how it works and wt does it do due to lack of documentation. Any


my target is to integrate my own CMS CContent Management System) to


WebDAV. In which I need to let slide use my own CMS media storage. In


words I need when opening a Slide WebFolder, Slide retrieves my CMS


documents, so that a user can view/change or create documents through


WebDAV as if it is a client to my CMS. So far I need to make sure which functions is envolved so that I can override in my implementations. Also


need to know which Classes/Interfaces I should extend/Implement, I know from the valuable answers through this mailing list that the


and SecurityStore should be used .. But don't know should I use them directly or use the TX implementations for them?? And what is the


between the two approaches?? Also a very important question that I need


know and couldn't get its answer from the TX implementations the

question is

: How my documents media is transferred to Slide .. I saw the uri


is passed to mostly all functions, although I don't know how the


stream itself is transferred??? Please reply to this.. I invested a lot


time and effort to go through slide.. Although my learning curve is not developing well due to the weak documentations..
Thanx in advance..

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