
I never meant that!! I even said that the info in this mailing list is
valuable and I even thanked u a lot b4 cause u answered several questions

I only need help!!! That's all!! 

And I already know that ppl went through that b4 me and achieved the task,
that's why am asking help!!

Am really amazed of ur reply!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Zeigermann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 11:27 AM
To: Slide Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Custom Store Q


a lot of people inversted a reasonable amount of time to help you get
*your* work done. In fact, implementing your own store is a complex task and
documentation isn't the best.

However, it is possible to create a store implementation of your own without
being a wizzard even with the documentation that exists. Michael Oliver has,
James has, Stefan has, I have and others have as well.

Have you considered your failure is not solely due to the lack of
documentation, but that you may simply not be up to the task of getting your
own store done? Honestly, to me it seems you want to make the people who
actually help you look bad in order to disguise your own problems and I
really do not appreciate that.


Ragia wrote:

> Hello All,
>       I tried to figure out what the TX Store does using Slide. Although I

> didn't learn much through navigating the java source files, neither 
> some System.out statements which showed calling lots of functions that 
> I have no idea how it works and wt does it do due to lack of 
> documentation. Any way, my target is to integrate my own CMS CContent 
> Management System) to Slide WebDAV. In which I need to let slide use 
> my own CMS media storage. In other words I need when opening a Slide 
> WebFolder, Slide retrieves my CMS stored documents, so that a user can 
> view/change or create documents through the WebDAV as if it is a 
> client to my CMS. So far I need to make sure which functions is 
> envolved so that I can override in my implementations. Also I need to 
> know which Classes/Interfaces I should extend/Implement, I know from 
> the valuable answers through this mailing list  that the ContentStore 
> and SecurityStore should be used .. But don't know should I use them 
> directly or use the TX implementations for them?? And what is the 
> difference between the two approaches?? Also a very important question 
> that I need to know and couldn't get its answer from the TX 
> implementations the question is
> : How my documents media is transferred to Slide .. I saw the uri 
> parameter is passed to mostly all functions, although I don't know how 
> the documents stream itself is transferred??? Please reply to this.. I 
> invested a lot of time and effort to go through slide.. Although my 
> learning curve is not developing well due to the weak documentations..
> Thanx in advance.. 
> Ragia
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