On Jan 8, 2008 10:28 AM, Felix Meschberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...  * If the sling plugin IS configured in the project, the installation
>       happens in the "install" phase - and of course fails if there is
>       no local install....

Here's my failure scenario:

-Beginner runs some Sling example app, on the default port as Beginners do.

-Beginner plays around with other modules, tries to build them ("mvn
install" - that's the default for Maven Beginners) while studying the
example app.

-Modules which have the Sling plugin configured get their bundles
installed. That's almost invisible - there are way too many messages
in the build cycle for Beginner anyway.

-Confused Beginner is left with a "patched" Mystery Example App which
behaves in weird ways due to the added bundles. And *we* have to
explain Beginner what's going on...

Don't we all hate <insert large software company name here> for
installing "upgrades" automatically behind people's backs?

I really think we should turn off these automatic installs, by default.


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