Hi Felix,

> > But if I try to access something like $resource.node (which I would have
> > expected) Velocity does not recognize the expression. How do I get to
> the
> > node? Do I have the wrong syntax? I looked at the src of JcrNodeResource
> and
> > expected to be able to use something like .node, .getNode() or similar.
> I do not exactly know, how velocity maps Java objects. But a resource is
> definitely a Resource and by conincidence a JcrNodeResource. In
> addition, the JcrNodeResource.getNode() method is not public and not
> part of the API.
> When you want to access the node of a resource you will have to adapt
> the Resource to the Node class, something like:
>      $resource.adaptTo(Node.class);
> But I am not exactly sure about the exact syntax.

I am not exactly a velocity expert, but I tried this and had no success so
far. But I also think that having to "cast" (sort of) a resource into a node
in a script is a bit weird. Especially, if you consider that
resource.nodeworks in esp's. Could we not just get the node as an
object right away?

I am aware that this has been discussed before, but I do not see any
advantages of abstraction lost if the node object is available to the
scripts if the resource in question is actually a node. The script needs to
"know" it handles nodes anyway.


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