I would suggest keeping our focus on the javascript and JSP engines
for now, until we have a first release of Sling.

Other script engines might work, and they demonstrate that it's
possible to integrate other languages, but personally I don't want to
spend time improving them at the moment, we have more important things
to do if we want to release soon.

If others want to work on a specific scripting engine, or course, feel
free to do it!

-Bertrand (looking forward to the Scala scripting engine ;-)

Sorry, only Groovy support here :). I made a little PoC with the Groovy ScriptingEngine and got it working in the launchpad-webapp, without having to write one line of code. I could send it to someone, but I think this stuff should be reviewed, especially the whole bundle mechanism. Got any idea whom I could bother with this stuff?



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