With regards to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-249, I'm
experimenting with solving that issue using a Servlet Filter.
However, I'm not sure how to register the filter with OSGi/Sling.

As far as I have understood, OSGi does not have a notion of filters. I
see that SlingMainServlet has some logic concerning filters, in
particular the bindFilter method, but it does not seem to be in use
anywhere in the Sling codebase.

I've also read 
but given that it is currently "out of sync", I'm not sure how much of
it is still current.

So, is there a way to use a servlet filter with Sling?

Vidar S. Ramdal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.idium.no
Akersgata 16, N-0158 Oslo, Norway

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