Hi David, hi Craig,

On Jun 9, 2008, at 10:19 , David Nuescheler wrote:

hi craig,

i think this is a great start. congratulations.
there are a couple of observations that i made which are likely
to be unrelated to the use dojo so i thought i'd share them here.

(1) deep links, bookmarks & backbutton
since i am fan of deep links into content when i am sharing
content locations i think it would be a great feature to expose
the current navigation path in the url that's displayed in the browser.
this can for example be done through a #<path> in the url
basically whenever i click on a folder in the tree.
this should also fix back button and bookmarkability.

Having the #path is a good idea, you should also take a look at dojo.back (http://api.dojotoolkit.org/jsdoc/dojo/HEAD/dojo.back) which offers more sophisticated back button functionality.

(2) cookies
it seems that all the opening states of the tree are stored in
cookies... i would probably only store the last open position in the
cookie since in my experience it is sometimes even more desirable
to have sort of a "clean" start, with only my last position reopened ;)

This is actually a feature of the Dijit Tree Control. But you can easily disable it using the persist property http://api.dojotoolkit.org/jsdoc/dijit/HEAD/dijit.Tree.persist (add persist="false") to the div. My personal opinion is: I like the way the tree handles persistence right now and would not change it.

(3) safari works beautifully...
...but complains about a slow script 3 times before the browser starts up. i think this could be addressed by looking into what takes the load time. in firefox with firebug enabled for tracking the startup of roughly 43s
which is probably most network latency related.

(4) network roundtrips
i think that once the browser is up and running the amount of network
traffic that is
transported is in very good shape.
i stumbled over an incident that surprised me a little bit though.
i expected a single .json to be transported to the client when i would
open a new
tree node clicking on the [+], which is true for most nodes, but not
for nodes with deep
children underneith... for example opening /images issued 9 http requests.

Blame Lars :-) The NodeStore issues one request per child node because only the specified node is fetched. You can change this, however.



i hope some of this may be helpful...


On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 10:38 PM, Craig L. Ching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ugh and I did the one worst thing any web developer can do, I told you
all about it and didn't note that I've only tested with FF
And I'm now discovering that I should have tested safari and IE because
it's not working ;-)  Hopefully I'll have those browsers working real

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig L. Ching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 3:28 PM
To: sling-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: JCR browser

Hi all,

Well, I've not really had a lot of time to spend on this yet.
That said, though, I want to show you what I *have* done.
It's not much beyond Lars' original demos, but I do find it
useful while developing sling apps to make sure things are
created correctly and help debug problems.  I have a demo
running on one of my servers,
.  I still haven't had time to get the path combo box
working, so ignore that for now.  And some of the editors on
the grid aren't set up yet (e.g. 'true'
and 'false' will be tick boxes when I get time to implement
those).  You probably won't like the styling if you're not a
dojo fan, but, never fear, I have some ideas to make that a
bit cleaner ;-)

Anyway, let me know what you think.  Any additions that would
be necessary for a first release, read-only jcr browser would
be appreciated.  Hopefully seeing this will motivate someone
to work with me to get my changes into SVN ;-)  I can provide
patches, however, I don't think I've done my best to design
them into the sling code base properly, so I'm going to work
on that next.

Oh, one last thing, it says "JCR Explorer" everywhere, but
I'm thinking of going with "JCR Browser" instead. Comments on a name?


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