Hi Torgeir,

Torgeir Veimo schrieb:
Starting with a fresh org.apache.sling.launchpad.webapp-4-incubator-SNAPSHOT.war (from trunk) deployed as sling.war into a tomcat instance. Also deploying FsResourceProvider bundle using mangement console.

ok, freshly built FsResourceProvider from svn-up-ed checkout ?

I notice that in the configuration management dropdown there are two instances. Is this correct? (Also, it seems that the name and description strings are not being used. I see strings like resource.resolver.name, resource.resolver.description, provider.file.description etc.)

This sounds like an incompletely built FsResourceProvider bundle. The latest trunk state should have "real" readable labels and descriptions.

I try to configure setting providers.roots and provider.file selecting save (which seems to save the settings ok). I also try selecting create configuration, but this seems to have no effect. Is this my problem? I have

Configuration Information
Persistent Identity (PID)    org.apache.sling.fsprovider.FsResourceProvider
Configuration Binding     None

This says, that the configuration is not actually used.

Is the FsResourceProvider bundle started ?


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