Hi Felix,

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 7:14 AM, Felix Meschberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi Juanjo,
> Juanjo Vázquez schrieb:
> >> The proposal also allows for much more
> >> flexibility in building the Resource tree made of ResourceProviders
> >> where each ResourceProvider itself may actually be provided by a
> >> ResourceProviderFactory.
> >
> >
> > Felix, this implementation would allow to have an only one security
> > management for the whole virtual resources tree, really?. I understand
> this
> > is not possible until now.
> Ehrm, no, this is not intended. The goal is to allow ResourceProviders
> to protect their resources by authenticating the access.
> Today, we authenticate against a single JCR ResourceProvider while all
> other resource providers (servlets, bundles, filesystem) do not
> authenticate at all.
> With the new ResourceProviderFactory and ResourceResolverFactory,
> authenticating ResourceProviders may be implemented.
> Enforcement of access control will remain an implementation detail of
> the actual ResourceProvider.

Ok, I see. Furthermore, IMHO an eventual single sign-on stuff should remain
out of the Sling scope. Anyway, +1 for your ResourceResolverFactory



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