One more random thought:

The ApacheCon website is current written in Ruby on Rails.  Well,
actually it uses extensions to Radiant, an RoR CMS.  I through it
together last summer when I became fed-up maintaining the previous pile
of code that I had been handed.

However, the current site has plenty of bugs and needs refactoring and
fixing.  I like Rails but there aren't a lot of Radiant/Rails people
here at the ASF, so I've often been tempted to port the code to one of
the ASF frameworks.

Lately I've been particularly tempted to moving it to either CouchDB
(with maybe some Rails on the front end) or Sling.  But honestly, I
don't know where to start with Sling.

Anyway, I'll be at ApacheCon Europe is anyone wants to find me and chat
about this idea.  I'm not promising I'll do the site in Sling, but I'd
like to at least get an idea of how that would be done.

  J Aaron Farr        [US] +1 724-964-4515
    馮傑仁     [HK] +852 8123-7905

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