J Aaron Farr schrieb:
On Fri 13 Mar 2009 21:36, Andreas Hartmann <andr...@apache.org> wrote:

Slightly OT: Is there a particular reason why Lenya is not considered?

Back when I rewrote the website, I looked at lenya a bit but I didn't
know it well enough to do the site in the time I had.

Ah, I see. I just thought there might be technical or functional reasons. We have a lot of trouble getting a decent market share for Lenya (even in the ASF), I guess the lack of info on the website is a major reason for this. We're maintaining the Lenya website with Lenya on the Zones server and are quite happy with the situation.

I'm happy to look
at lenya again, especially if someone will be around at ApacheCon to
answer some questions.

Sure – at least two committers will be there (Thorsten Scherler and Rudolf Korhummel), if you're interested I'll be happy to send you their contact infos.

Or I could bring up the topic on the lenya lists.

That would of course be very much appreciated.

Just a little introduction from a functional POV: Lenya is great for setting up simple or complex sites, serving static data and/or dynamic content. Since you can leverage Cocoon's pipelines, it's very easy to create complex pages from various XML sources. You get most standard collaborative editing functions out of the box (review/publishing workflows, content validation, WYSIWYG editing, version history etc.).

But with Lenya it's rather difficult to allow the website visitor to generate content. If the focus is on user-generated content, Sling is certainly the better option.

-- Andreas

Andreas Hartmann, CTO
BeCompany GmbH
Tel.: +41 (0) 43 818 57 01

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